There's Nothing Like Fresh Mesh ...

Hi Milton, that's some beautiful modeling of a graceful swan.

Thank you Sir. It's turning out a lot better than I thought it would. :)


Is there anything we can do to give you a hand, like looking for photos, Tech Info, or other stuff like that?
If there is, please let us know!

Hope one of the outstanding Repainters out there will hop on board, and give the Mallard an awesome skin (or many)!

-- Alan :applause:

Thank you Alan. The area of reference I most need photos for is the cockpit aside from the panels. That is the floor, side panels, the walls behind the pilots, etc. Everything else I am pretty good shape for.
Well, I have finally started the work for the main gear assembly. But before anything can be modeled for gear, we need a place to stow it.

The last few hours have been focused on getting a nice wheel well compartment built. This is unrefined but a starting point.

I only have two good references for these wheel wells but I think enough to do a decent job.

Once the fuselage side work is done, then the wing bottom recess must be modeled to receive the upper main gear struts.
Gee! Milton! You're faster than light. And the Mallard is getting more and more beautiful! Awesome!

Didn't Chalk fly Mallards?


Well, just a lot of hours invested each day helps a lot. :)

Yes, I have quite a few pics of Chalks lot. :)

Once I get this gear done, the exterior will be mostly complete and ready for mapping.
Took a modeling break to fly in the annual RTWR but back today to finish up the main gear. That was a nice challenge.

I am going to take a short break before mapping the exterior to build the flight model so we can fly this thing correctly, then back to the mapping and interior.
Thanks for the comments. You bet; wet is good. :)

Finally got her working and looking correct in FSX as well as FS9.

Invested yesterday and today in getting the cockpit basics in place: overhead panel, main panel and console, pedals, yoke stem, yoke arms and steering, seats and pilot/copilot, and surrounding infrastructure.

Next up is getting the various overhead levers and switches in place.
Grumman Mallard Modeling Done ...

Well, finally got the interior and VC modeled and animated and last remaining items added to the exterior model.

So, we move to the mapping preparation stage. That will take a couple days for prep, and mapping another day.

Once that is done and while waiting for textures development, I will work on the panel gauges and flight modeling.
Milton, are you sure you don't have a secret platoon of engineers/modelers stashed somewhere? The pace of your work without the slightest compromise to detail or quality is astonishing.
Milton, are you sure you don't have a secret platoon of engineers/modelers stashed somewhere? The pace of your work without the slightest compromise to detail or quality is astonishing.

If I do, I would certainly like to find them, for sure. :)

No, Nigel and I are "kickin' it" and Fliger747 jumps in when necessary to do the flight model, thankfully.
Not sure he will do this one but I can make the time for it if necessary.

Well, the exterior mapping went a lot faster than I expected. I was able to knock it out in about 6 or 7 hours this evening.

Still have an hour's work to wrap up the small miscellaneous items outside before moving to the interior.
Almost, but a bit more elegant IMHO.

This incidentally was the only Grumman amphib not built with a USN contract behind it. It is also therefore different in that it does not have the same water tight bulkheads as do the Goose, Widgeon and Albatross. I was told this recently by - of all people - Jimmy Buffett, who explained to me why he didn't ever buy a Mallard, but has owned the other three Grumman amphibs (he is doing a big restoration of a 1937 Goose at the moment). Because of this design difference, there is a risk and possibility of sea water accumulating in the bilge and dangerously destabilizing the aircraft's CG in flight. The bulkheads were specified in the other Grumman amphibs by the USN to avoid this.
Mallard Office
