Hi Gecko,
I'm really new to CFS3 and I've managed to get ETO, MAW and Korea (KTCS) up and running with Ankor's Self Shadowing mod and SweetFX. But when I installed your Environment v2.0 mods in all three only ETO would run with both your mod and Ankor's. MAW and Korea CTD just a few seconds after the splash screen. When I uninstall Ankor's mod then your environment mod works. Since both can co-exist in ETO I'm thinking there is some kind of conflict that I hopefully can fix in Korea and MAW. Also, I backed out SweetFX and left Ankor's mod in and still got the CTD in Korea and MAW when I installed your mod, so I'm pretty sure it is Ankor's mod that won't get along with your Environment V2.0, but strange they get along in ETO.
Any ideas? I'm no expert at this stuff, but I'm a retired programmer in other languages and usually pretty good at tweaking things if instructions are provided.
Thanks for your help!
Edit: Well, I got a little further with ETO but had a CTD when I clicked on "Fly" so I guess there is a compatibility problem between Ankor's mod and CFS3 Environment v2.0? Looks like it would be a great mod to have running. Please let me know if there is something I can do to get both running at the same time. Thanks!