Daniel, with the files with ETO 1.50, I get the beautiful shiny Metal finish, which I want.
with other files from Ankor, and Weikiniera I get the white finish. which I don't want.
I like the metal aircraft to look like metal, shining brightly like they do in real life.
Love the polished Birds we used later in the war.
experimenting with several different sets in my various to tweak it all to my tastes is all.
Right now I have a mix of your ETO files and Ankor's (WOFF_DirectX9.20140830.Setup)with the ENB program
from Weikinera and getting a really nice scenery look.
My set ups don't seem to like some of the shaders/shader30/d3d8 files and crashes when starting the sim, so I have mixed and picked what seem to work best on the Win 7 machine.
My Nividia drivers seem to not be comparable with all the shaders/shader30/d3d8 files out there.
and some of the d3d8 files will not work, that is why I am using Ankor's ( WOFF_DirectX9.20140830.Setup) works fine with your shaders file and the other things I have installed.
and the shaders30 folder has to be the one from (Ankor) ETO 1.50 files for this to work.
Learning to mix and match the various files for my machine to work.
I have a Nvidia 8800 GTS video card, only 320 meg, but it does pull ram from the motherboard if needed.
When flying WOFF it pulls 1.5 gig of ram according to the the files info.
Learning as I go with all of this for my Win 7 machine.