This Could Be Very Interesting - AnKor's Shaders

Does anybody know why the sun is square?

I've installed the latest package into MAW, and suddenly, the sun has gone from a blinding white area to a small white square. Clearly there's a texture files I'm missing, but which? I seem to have them all...
ndicki, I found the same issue. Must be a missing texture. I went back to the old suneffect.xml. If anyone has an answer I would like to use any new effects but as of now the sun is square.
I changed my config xml to Major's about three weeks ago, so I'll try tuning off the movie and close it and hopefully it works! Thank you

Change your config to Majors again after loading Ankor's stuff. Do it by editing your xml file in your Users folder.

Use this one, it's one of major Magee's. Just don't cut and past the first 10 lines. from textures limits onwards is what you want don't use the config utility or else it will mess things up!

<FileVersion val="60"/>
<Adapter val="0"/>
<Device val="0"/>
<Mode val="31"/>
<MultisampleType val="D3DMULTISAMPLE_NONE"/>
<VendorId val="4318"/>
<DeviceId val="5058"/>
<VersionNumberLowPart val="0"/>
<VersionNumberHighPart val="589824"/>
<aircraftmodels Scale="0" MaxDim="4096"/>
<compositeterrain Scale="0" MaxDim="4096"/>
<compositeterrainsource Scale="0" MaxDim="4096"/>
<effects Scale="0" MaxDim="4096"/>
<hud Scale="0" MaxDim="4096"/>
<nonaircraftmodels Scale="0" MaxDim="4096"/>
<precompiledterrain Scale="0" MaxDim="4096"/>
<shadows Scale="0" MaxDim="4096"/>
<ui Scale="0" MaxDim="4096"/>
<uncategorized Scale="0" MaxDim="4096"/>
<DisableWarningBoxes val="n"/>
<DisableSound val="n"/>
<DisableIntroMovie val="y"/>
<DisableMovieUI val="n"/>
<DisableUIAnimations val="n"/>
<SafeMode val="n"/>
<NoDXT1 val="n"/>
<NoDXT3 val="n"/>
<NoDXT5 val="n"/>
<DisableIndexBuffers val="n"/>
<DisableVertexBuffers val="n"/>
<Disable1600x1200 val="n"/>
<Disable1280x1024 val="n"/>
<Disable1024x768 val="n"/>
<DualPassRender val="n"/>
<HighResolutionZBuffer val="y"/>
<TerrainDetailTexture val="y"/>
<DisableWindowed val="n"/>
<DisableValidateDevice val="y"/>
<DisableWriteOnlyVB val="n"/>
<DisableWriteOnlyIB val="n"/>
<DisableTriangleStrips val="n"/>
<UnsupportedHardware val="n"/>
<UnsupportedDriver val="n"/>
<DisableCompositeTerrainTextureMips val="n"/>
<DisableCompositeTerrainTextures val="n"/>
<DisableCompositeGroundPlaneTextures val="n"/>
<DisableCompositeAircraftTextures val="n"/>
<DisableScenery val="n"/>
<DisableEnvironmentMapping val="n"/>
<DisableShadows val="y"/>
<DisableWhiteOut val="n"/>
<DisableTerrainLighting val="n"/>
<DisableSceneryLighting val="n"/>
<DisableSun val="n"/>
<DisableStars val="n"/>
<DisableRenderText val="n"/>
<DisableLabels val="n"/>
<DisableTacticalDisplay val="n"/>
<DisableTargetCone val="n"/>
<DisableHUD val="n"/>
<DisableChat val="n"/>
<DisableAdvisor val="n"/>
<DisableSimWarnings val="n"/>
<DisableTimeCompress val="n"/>
<DisableWeather val="n"/>
<DisableClouds val="n"/>
<DisableBlendToOffscreen val="n"/>
<DisableClear val="n"/>
<DisableTerrainRender val="n"/>
<DisableTerrainUpdate val="n"/>
<DisableSceneDBRender val="n"/>
<DisableWaterRender val="n"/>
<DisableWaterShorelineRender val="n"/>
<DisableWaterReflectionRender val="n"/>
<DisableWaterAnimationRender val="n"/>
<DisableTerrainTextureRingBlend val="n"/>
<DisableFog val="n"/>
<DisableRain val="n"/>
<DisableTexturedAlphaMaterial val="n"/>
<DisableShellCasings val="n"/>
<DisableTerrainDiffuseLighting val="n"/>
<DisableTerrainDecalRender val="n"/>
<DisableVCFog val="n"/>
<DisableInCloudEffect val="n"/>
<DisablePropDiscs val="n"/>
<CompositeAircraftTextureBudget val="10240"/>
<CompositeAircraftTextureMaxDim val="4096"/>
<CompositeAircraftTexturePool val="D3DPOOL_DEFAULT"/>
<CompositeAircraftTextureUsage val="D3DUSAGE_RENDERTARGET"/>
<CompositeTerrainTextureBudget val="five"/>
<VertexBufferPool val="D3DPOOL_DEFAULT"/>
<IndexBufferPool val="D3DPOOL_DEFAULT"/>
<PreCompiledTerrainTextureBudget val="four"/>
<UserShadowTextureBudget val="1"/>
<AIShadowTextureBudget val="30"/>
<ObjectShadowTextureBudget val="500"/>
<UserShadowSize val="512"/>
<AIShadowSize val="256"/>
<ObjectShadowSize val="256"/>
<MaxParticles val="2000000"/>
<ZBiasBitsResolution val="15"/>
<ZBiasTerrainDecal val="0"/>
<ZBiasWaterPolyNear val="1"/>
<ZBiasWaterPolyFar val="0"/>
<ZBiasWaterLineNear val="1"/>
<ZBiasWaterLineFar val="0"/>
<ZBiasFlatEffects val="25"/>
<ZBiasShadow val="0"/>
<ZBiasTerrainAlphaNear val="0"/>
<ZBiasTerrainAlphaFar val="0"/>
<ZBiasObject val="0"/>
<ZBiasObjectFar val="0"/>
<ZBiasEffects val="1"/>
<ZBiasClouds val="1"/>
<TerrainVertexBufferCapacity val="16384"/>
<TerrainIndexBufferCapacity val="32768"/>
<VertexCacheSize val="15"/>
<BackClipDist val="128748"/>
<InteriorWaterLoadingFactor val="0.50"/>
<WaterDetailTextureSize val="5"/>
<WaterElevationBias val="4"/>
<WaterElevationBiasFactor val="0.5"/>
<NearPassBackClipDist val="13200"/>
<FarPassNearClipDist val="13000"/>
<FogStartDist val="128748"/>
<CloudScale val="10"/>
<TerrainBestImageQuality val="0"/>
<MaxLandClassVariations val="0"/>
<TerrainMaxBlenderInstPerFrameNear val="256"/>
<TerrainMaxBlenderInstPerFrameFar val="128"/>
<SceneryTriangleBudget val="five"/>
<TerrainTriangleBudget val="five"/>
<MaxModelLOD val="100"/>
<FullscreenSwapEffect val="D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD"/>
<CompositeTerrainTexturePool val="D3DPOOL_DEFAULT"/>
<CompositeTerrainTextureUsage val="0"/>
<TextMaxTextures val="0"/>
<OverallGraphicDetail val="5"/>
<AircraftDetail val="5"/>
<SceneryDetail val="5"/>
<TerrainDetail val="5"/>
<EffectsQuality val="5"/>
<CloudsQuality val="5"/>
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ndicki, I found the same issue. Must be a missing texture. I went back to the old suneffect.xml. If anyone has an answer I would like to use any new effects but as of now the sun is square.

Cheers Tom. Glad to know I'm not going funny...

I've checked suneffect.xml and found this:

<SunGlare Size="2.5" Location="1.00" Intensity="0.4" Red="255" Green="255" Blue="204" Texture="" u1="0.0" v1="0.0" u2="1.0" v2="1.0" UpAlign="1"/>
<SunGlare Size="0.075" Location="0.75" Intensity="0.20" Red="255" Green="0" Blue="255" Texture="" u1="0.0" v1="0.0" u2="1.0" v2="1.0" UpAlign="1"/>
<SunGlare Size="0.0625" Location="0.70" Intensity="0.20" Red="0" Green="0" Blue="255" Texture="" u1="0.0" v1="0.0" u2="1.0" v2="1.0" UpAlign="1"/>
<SunGlare Size="0.050" Location="0.65" Intensity="0.20" Red="0" Green="255" Blue="0" Texture="" u1="0.0" v1="0.0" u2="1.0" v2="1.0" UpAlign="1"/>
<SunGlare Size="0.0375" Location="0.60" Intensity="0.20" Red="255" Green="0" Blue="0" Texture="" u1="0.0" v1="0.0" u2="1.0" v2="1.0" UpAlign="1"/>
<SunImage Texture="" Size="0.02" BlendMode="1"/>
<Corona Texture="" Size="0.0225" BlendMode="1" UpAlign="1"/>

The image files highlighted in red appear to be missing from the package.
ndicki, I found the same files to be missing. I did a search of my CFS3 folder but didn't find them in any scenery package. Hopefully someone will either let us know where they are or give us a link to download them. Thanks for confirming what I suspected.
Sorry, I missed including them, but they should be part of ETO if you have that. I believe they're stored in Effects\Weather\
I can't open the CFS Config Utility now in Rising Sun, it says it isn't working properly. I was able to fix PTO Solomons by deleting a shortcut to the config that was some how generated during install, and then I could update the config. I deleted the shortcut in RS, but I can't get into the config at all:banghead:
You deleted the shortcut or the application? If the application is still there, can't you open that? One thing you could try is to delete the Rising Sun data in your user folder and then start Rising Sun. See if it generates a config.xml in the User folder.
The shortcut. I deleted the config overide xml in AppData, but it wouldn't generate a new one. This crazy! Do the shaders have to be installed into the patched vanilla install also?
Re shaders in vanilla install the answer is no.
How many installs do you have?
Assuming this is the Rising Sun install delete ALL that folder in your App data (back up if you want) and then restart the install with cfs3.exe. What happens?
I let computer Wiz son do install. He did install Ankor's shader's into the the "Vanilla" install. Guess that is the root of the problem. He did not install into ETO and that runs fine
Those look like texture names I used in my environment effects packages. If you had it or part of it installed in ETO you would have it, but for those who haven't, I don't think they are part of the actual ETO install.
I'll admit to having 16 customized versions of CFS3, that have been developed over a lot of years, so I don't exactly remember the provenance of everything I have installed. Would it be okay for me to upload the missing files here for those that don't have them otherwise? The alternative is to just delete the suneffect.xml I threw into the package at the last minute and stick with the default.
These files are not in ETO, MAW or any other install I've got... They must be from Daniel's own special packages! At least I know where to look...
Is there any way to effectively disable the head shake aspect of the new shaders? I'm not sure how I feel about it yet and when using a bomb-sight, they can be very inhibiting.
Cheers Andy!

The only file you need back up in the effects folder is The others are new.
My default values in d3d8.ini for OffsetSpring, OffsetResponse, and RotationSpring are set a little on the loose side (9, 9, 9) to show off the head motion. I thought this felt reasonably natural when comparing it to my own flying experiences in a single engine aircraft, but it probably reflects too high of a g-load for a large bomber. These settings do have an effect on your ability to keep your aim on target, so they may not be everyone's cup of tea.

AnKor's original defaults are 12, 6, 24 as shown in the d3d8.ini parameter comments. Higher values for the Springs and lower values for the response turn the effect down. You can try the defaults, or if you want to effectively eliminate the effect use something like 100, 0, 100. (I'm not home to test this so you may have to use 1 instead of 0)