This Could Be Very Interesting - AnKor's Shaders

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Does this work on Win XP? I keep getting a black screen then back to my desktop???

Yes! :)

You need: Flight FX V1.0:

Ankors latest files:

1) Place Ankors shaders30 and d3d files into the root of your cfs3 install

2) Install and run flight FX and set it to register your cfs3.exe file

3) Make sure you have the latest DirectX files installed. -

4) Youll need Major Maggees modified panoramic files from post #99

And that should be it. I've heard SweetFX mentioned but afaik it's not needed with the latest files?

You don't need Flight FX enabled to get the shadows and water reflections but it does have to have your cfs3 install registered.

Good to see your still around Lewis. :)
One correction to what Pat Pattle posted: you do NOT need SweetFX or FlightFX at all.
Those programs may be used with my mod to get some additional effects (bloom, more saturated colors, etc), but they are absolutely optional.

Two more things to try if it doesn't work even after the latest DirectX is installed (the link is in step #3 of Pat's post)
1. Run cfs3config.exe and select your screen resolution again (though I believe I have fixed this problem some time ago, but it is still useful to check).
2. Try disabling intro movie from cfs3config: File->Custom Settings and then Window->Overrides and check "Disable Intro Movie" there.
One correction to what Pat Pattle posted: you do NOT need SweetFX or FlightFX at all.
Those programs may be used with my mod to get some additional effects (bloom, more saturated colors, etc), but they are absolutely optional.

I suspected this and uninstalled Flight FX just leaving your files in place. However I was getting either a ctd or a freeze every time I exited cfs3. With flight FX installed but not enabled this doesn't happen. Maybe I have some conflicting files somewhere?

If indeed flight FX is NOT needed then that is even better! It's the shadowing and reflections that are the real deal here. You may just have saved cfs3 Ankor :)
Maybe it was just a coincidence. I never heard of anyone having this kind of problems, and I don't use Flight FX when playing or testing.
Clive and gentlemen thanks as always for your great willingness to assist. Just got home from work, now off with the wife to eat supper. Will be back shortly to try the set up again.
Good job to major magee and and the others who helped tune this up. Thanks Clive for the step by step! Only thing I noticed is the aircraft no longer have a shine on the finish, rather a dull finish. Is this inherent or can it be fixed?
If you're in Win 7 make sure you have specular gloss enabled in the CFS3 shaders xml.

<ModelSpecularGloss Desc="Vertex lighting w/ Specular modulated by Gloss map"
Lighting="True" SpecularEnable="True"
Unfortunately I don't run any games on win 7, I have those all on a separate drive running on XP. Hopefully any future fixes will include XP. I kept all my games on that OS because some of my older games are not compatible above DX 10.
CFS3 Rising Sun Expansion
Okay this works well in XP SP3 Professional
P-4 /3.066 CPU duel core Asus 512 meg 8400 GTS video card
2 gig DDR Ram
Pro Platinum SB sound card

At 1280X 1024 resolution
45-55 FPS

Virgin Textures no add ins.

Have loaded SweetFX **set as active
With SweetFX Configurator **active
Launched from SweetFX Configurator

D3D8 Self Shadowing Mod 20140325

Thank you Master Ankor
And there is Much Rejoicing!


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Yes to ac shine with XP, just mod the shaders.xml in the main folder as stated, works with XP.

As the shine it too much I saw that MM stated

I've now toned down the Glint by editing the shader file to:
float sunStrength = mul(arrDirLights[0].vDiffuse.rgb, float3(1,1,1))*0.5
(instead of the default multiplier of 10 as shown in the picture of the Nieuport)

I've searched for where this is and no luck, can someone tell, ta.

Also I've installed Sweet_FX, and tried Ankors files but with the d3d8.dll the sim black boxes and fails to load. Remove just this dll file, leaving the others and all's well. Have latest DX files, re-set screen res and disabled movie. Re-started pc, but still fails.

Also Pat mentions Ankors 'shaders30' file, that is not in his pack, location? thanks

This is too good to miss!


I have a Question, Andy sent me a Shaders file with a set of files, early on in this.
Andy you will know.
When i loaded all the new effects for the water, I got a wonderful new water look, in Rising Sun
This with the original Shaders file in RS running this in XP
But I lost the shine on the aircraft..

I loaded the new shaders file from Andy, it restored the wonderful shine on the Aircraft, and had the water effects also..
*** But the water turned Green***
Screen shots below

What line in a Shaders file controls the Water tint/color??

***If I can change this and return the Beautiful Blue water (like the original shaders in RS)
And keep the shine on the Aircraft, this will be perfect***

Thanks Andy for you files on this, just getting a understanding of this in a small way as I experiment..


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I see two things.

1. The color is controlled by Open yours up and make sure it's the color you want. There are several different ones floating around so make sure the one you have for RS is blue. Or of course you can experiment by changing the color of the texture to try out new water colors you may like better. Also, run a search for that file name from the main directory and make sure you only have one in there. If you have more than one, one will be used sometimes and sometimes the other will be used.

2. All your screenshots have dark water on the horizon. You need a compatible to fix this, which MajorMagee has posted - see post #99. As above, make certain there is only one present in any given install.

Hope that helps.

I don't see where I ever sent you a different file and as far as I know that is the only one that will turn the water green.

I looked at my RS install and that file looks blue and the shallow water is in the outline of Korea.
Hi Andy you sent me a shader file, that is all I changed between the two different pictures above..
Have not touched or changed any water texture .dds files..

I just loaded this into my Rising Sun Advanced install.
it has the NEW CFS3 Environment v2.0 -Rising installed.
The RS standard/Virgin install doesn't

It is amazing,
I have Andy's shader file, and the other installs added FlightFX, SweetFX_config etc.

All that is changed between the RS (virgin) and the RS (advanced) it has the: NEW CFS3 Environment v2.0 -Rising Sun
this works very well with the Master Ankor changes ..

Pearl harbor Dec 7 41, XP operating system

Going to transfer/import the files from this and try in in my Standard Virgin Rising sun install and see if it becomes a Beautiful as this..

Perfect for me..


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Pearl harbor
too Cool!!


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If you're feeling brave you can experiment with the seawater.fx file. It can be modified with any text editor. Make a copy of your original, then change the line near the beginning from:

#define BaseOpacity 0.95


#define BaseOpacity 0.66

When you look straight down you'll be able to see under the surface and it looks like a shallow coral reef below the surface. If you look at more of an angle the waves and reflections are still there.

The shallow look is not appropriate for the deep water farther out from shore so you probably don't want this all the time, but this effect looks cool inside the harbor, and near the shore.
I've just added Ankor's mod to MAW, and good grief, it's impressive! The light effects inside the cockpit are incredible - I'd never realised the extent to which they were missing.

I have not added any other mods, or touched any of the aircraft, beyond enabling specularity gloss in shaders.xml; this has made the aircraft a bit too shiny, some even far too shiny! And the sea goes very dark on the horizon when you're low down. These are certainly known problems!

Overall - it really is getting there! Huge well deserved thanks to Ankor and Andy and everybody else involved in making CFS3 better!