Tigermoth re-work

Decided to change the Aircraft around a bit, and these guys are down right Mean..
Yea does not get any closer then this..Poor Tigermoth..
Real dislike for Bf 110's now too..
As somebody noticed that the skins on all of these Tigermoths differ from one version to the other of HH mission?
There are many different versions of the Tigermoth out there..
I have 6 myself.. From PhillipsM's to Clive's latest Model..
The White nosed one is in my somewhat standard ETO 1.40.. The other camo nose one is in my ETO 1.40 Advanced set up..
I found G max files for this from days gone by, I have..
Why I will never Know, never could get a grip on G max..

Awaiting the finals for this beautiful Bird.
Then I will standardize my missions..
I have redone the St. Just to St Mary's mission added several new items to make this More interesting, lots of Eye candy..

Thanks Much for the screen shots, it looks like they are working well for all so far..
I am truly Grateful to everyone for testing these missions before upload..
Perhaps once I will get this right for all..God Willing..

And this bf 110 g2 is a Mean AI!! Can't get any closer then this!! My wheel is touching His wing! And he flew on by!!
One more mission, back in France 1944.
Not a cake walk today it seems..
Why always the green STUFF!!
I hate that green stuff!!
P8 Compass

Thanks to some inspiration from Tom 'hairyspin' :salute: I've re-made the P8 compass in the Tiggie.

This can be used pretty much as per the real thing except that it can't be caged (locked).
Using the spare prop pitch lever animation you can rotate the graduated bezel to your desired heading then as long as you fly with the cross pointing to 'N' and between the 2 guide wires you're on course.
(I think that's the basic principle)

I just need to tweak the animation slightly to get the compass and hdg values to correspond.

That's fantastic Clive! I guess this is the advantage of very simple aircraft like the Tiger Moth, you can really dig into the details a lot more completely than on more complex aircraft. Great work!
Where can I find the upgraded P8 Compass ?

It'll be fitted to the Tiggie and DH89 when released, I'm also going to stick it in the BoB Spits and Hurris. It requires the source cockpit model to use it anywhere else.
Perhaps a model with the bomb racks that were fitted to the Tigermoths(150) in 1940, with a flare loadout??
it might be a easy way to overcome this in our beloved CFS3 set-ups.

I have read they were planning a use of these in a pinch..
Just a suggestion from a Crazy Hobbit..:applause: :applause: