Tigermoth re-work

Clive I know some people object but if you can get oil splatter in the cockpit then you should be able to get blood splatter. Nearly all the shooter games use it now days so I don't see why it should upset anyone.

Something else, can we apply these bullet hole effects to other aircraft?
No idea about this, as I've always attached effects by x,y,z coordinates, but if you put an emitter on the rudder, it would move and the light would presumably move with it. You've certainly tested that already though...

Interested to see how you've made the bullet holes etc appear in the glass! CFS1 used to do that...
That's a known problem with CFS3 lights, their position in-game seems to be fixed on loading the model, so they don't move with the moving parts.

Well...maybe...it could be down to the kind of effect used to create the lights...new idea!:iidea: Clive, does this latest model have an emitter for the rudder light linked to the rudder? If it does, my idea just might work.
...if you put an emitter on the rudder, it would move and the light would presumably move with it. You've certainly tested that already though...

Yes, I'm afraid I have already tested that with emitters and without success, botheration.
What kind of effect did you use? If it was a muzzleflash class effect (all our light effects are of this type) then you are completely correct. I'm not as certain about a particle class effect, they behave entirely differently and we have more control over how they are set up. Once an effect is triggered CFS3 will not allow the point it is being rendered from move throughout its lifetime, but I think if I set one up with an extremely short lifetime that is replayed continuously it will appear to move as each time it restarts it will be from a different place. The key is timing it fast enough so it doesn't seem to drag behind the emitter.
What kind of effect did you use? If it was a muzzleflash class effect (all our light effects are of this type) then you are completely correct. I'm not as certain about a particle class effect, they behave entirely differently and we have more control over how they are set up. Once an effect is triggered CFS3 will not allow the point it is being rendered from move throughout its lifetime, but I think if I set one up with an extremely short lifetime that is replayed continuously it will appear to move as each time it restarts it will be from a different place. The key is timing it fast enough so it doesn't seem to drag behind the emitter.

The lights are straight from the ETO and are track effects. You may be onto something Daniel as the bullet holes, for example, stay on the wing when it gets blown off. The light emitter is attached to the rudder in the model.

Clive I know some people object but if you can get oil splatter in the cockpit then you should be able to get blood splatter. Nearly all the shooter games use it now days so I don't see why it should upset anyone.
Something else, can we apply these bullet hole effects to other aircraft?

The oil on the windscreen and bullet holes ares simple textures (in the effects/fxtextures folder), so there's no reason why they couldn't be any colour.

Something else, can we apply these bullet hole effects to other aircraft?

Not sure on that one Lewis, I haven't tried but don't see why not. The only problem you may have is getting an angle of rotation in if required along with the x,y & z co-ords.
Ok using Clive's oil splatter effect you can just as easily use blood splatter. Sorry for the gore just shooting for realism here. Obviously my texture needs a bit of work with the orientation and fading the background around the splatter pattern. I think I can figure the orientation out but I need so help with the texture. Nigel or one of the painter gurus can you assist me?

View attachment 80439
Ok I figured out the textures and the orientation! We are on our way to having a Bloody good time! Clive for the purposes of using this on other aircraft how did you get the oil spot positioned. I noticed you had PosX="0" PosY="0" PosZ="0" positions in your effects text line but with 0 values. Is that just where the canopy location happens to be? If so would it be different on each aircraft?

View attachment 80440
Yeuch Lewis, you've just put me off my breakfast! :icon_lol::barf:

You've used the windshield_oil effect which is referenced to an emitter in the model. this is the entry in the xdp:

<Threshold Level="10" Effect="Library" Parameter="windshield_oil" Location="emitter_damage_canopy02"/>

To add this to other models you need to try it with x,y,z values instead. (the position is -.1, .323, .352 in the tiggie model)

Ketchup anyone?
Ok so would you put the x,y,z, values in the aircraft.xpd file in the actual effects text line or in the effects.xml in the effects description?
Have a look at some of the ETO aircraft that have lights added Lewis, the co-ords go at the end of the xdp entry (I think as am at work at the mo, so can't look exactly where).

edit..thinking about it I don't know what the xyz positions in the effects xml refer to - although that would make the effects aircraft specific.

Daniel, any ideas?
If you mean PosX, PosY and PosZ, these are the coordinates marking the position of an effect when there is no provision in the model already for the effect. If an emitter or other dummy placeholder is included in the model the effect is positioned by referring to it by name:- eg location="canopy-damage"

With a dummy to tie the effect to you also can control its orientation - very useful!
Effects can be added by attaching to emitters placed in the model as Clive has done or via X Y Z co-ords. The name of the emitter and the X Y Z position are aircraft specific, you have to use the right emitter name or manually position the effect to the specific location on the aircraft. Orientation can be set either by the orientation of the emitter in the model or by using RotX, RotY and RotZ, if using the XYZ method. However, this is only for effects added to the effects section of the xdp and does not include damage effects. These are added in the systems section and the emitter method is your only means of placing and orienting effects. XYZ will not work as far as I can tell. Certain kinds of effects can have their position changed in the in the effects.xml, which would require a separate effect to be created for each one you want to display on the aircraft but the kind of effect used to make bullet holes and oil or blood splatters does not have this option available, so I'm pretty sure the only means of adding them is by emitters as Clive has done. This means you have to have the source files to add them and there can only be as many as there are emitters created for them in the model. I have periodically tried to find another solution but so far no luck.
Effects can be added by attaching to emitters placed in the model as Clive has done or via X Y Z co-ords. The name of the emitter and the X Y Z position are aircraft specific, you have to use the right emitter name or manually position the effect to the specific location on the aircraft. Orientation can be set either by the orientation of the emitter in the model or by using RotX, RotY and RotZ, if using the XYZ method. However, this is only for effects added to the effects section of the xdp and does not include damage effects. These are added in the systems section and the emitter method is your only means of placing and orienting effects. XYZ will not work as far as I can tell. Certain kinds of effects can have their position changed in the in the effects.xml, which would require a separate effect to be created for each one you want to display on the aircraft but the kind of effect used to make bullet holes and oil or blood splatters does not have this option available, so I'm pretty sure the only means of adding them is by emitters as Clive has done. This means you have to have the source files to add them and there can only be as many as there are emitters created for them in the model. I have periodically tried to find another solution but so far no luck.

Gecko I have a fair understanding of most of what you explained but let me run my notion by you. If a model already has a BoxMap SystemID in place i.e. texture_canopy, why can't you attach this bullet hole effect to it? Then if orientation is off you could adjust position with x,y,z, in the effects.xml. Granted this makes it necessary to write a seperate effect for each aircraft. I just want to figure out if it works with any other aircraft then work out the fine details later. How about assisting me with seeing if we can do this with the p-51d. If it works then I will use that as a template to outfit other aircraft.
In theory it would work, but the problem is, the only suitable class of effect for a bullet hole is "shockwave" as defined in the effects.xml. This parameter tells CFS3 what set of rules to use when rendering the effect. It is different from the effect types defined in the effects section of aircraft xdps such as "track" or "startengine0" etc. These tell cfs3 how to attach the effect to the aircraft. The trouble is that "shockwave" class effects do not have the option of setting X Y Z values in the effects.xml whereas some of the other classes of effect do. You can put those values in, but cfs3 ignores them. That said, many things that were once thought to be impossible in CFS3 have been proven to be possible. So I've got no problem banging my head against this problem until a solution is found. You're welcome to join in! :banghead::banghead: are better than :banghead:!
What about the wind screen oil stain? Which class of effect is that and does it permit positioning with x,y,z, values?
Well, I attempted to get the light to move with the rudder as explained above and was not successful. Just another "CFS3 thing" that I think we're stuck with. Oh well.