Tigermoth re-work

Owen I can't wait to try your mission but I don't have this: w40_f_inf_run. What is that.......a vehicle? Does anyone have that?

Here is a new Upload with the vehicles and facilities needed..
Sorry about that

Place the vehicle into the vehicles folder, and the facilities into the facilities folder in ETO
I haven't finished this set yet waiting on the final Tiger moth to be sure i have it all correct..
Have several more missions for this..
Just added all items used in this mission ..
And there is much rejoicing! You made it!!
:applause: :applause: :applause:
Each time you fly this you will find it changes, sometimes the wolf gets very hungry, sometimes not so hungry..
Bravo! well done..
Thanks for the screen shots..
Thanks Owen The first flight was a :gameoff::pop4:I got wacked, happened so fast could'nt get a shot of it:a1451:Second flight, just lucky I guess:jump::salute:
Thanks Owen The first flight was a :gameoff::pop4:I got wacked, happened so fast could'nt get a shot of it:a1451:Second flight, just lucky I guess:jump::salute:

I discovered that in flying this many times, it never comes out the same..

Sometimes I can evade well enough to survive, other times with many holes in my little Tigermoth..
And of course sometimes it really gets bad!! There are Hobbit pieces everywhere..

But I have learned to watch the bogies, and time my moves accordingly..
With some serious flying I often find a way to survive over all..
Once jumped I rarely get higher then 300 feet or faster then 90mph, I try to make them be good to hit me..

And they do..:icon_lol:
Glad to see the little aircraft getting some use :)

Have been playing around with the canopy damage again, it seems to work ok so will be included in the final model.

View attachment 80121
Hi Clive, Thanks for this beauty..
When the final is ready send her my way and I will finish up this set of missions for the release if that is okay with you..
Only wrecked it a few dozen times so far. :isadizzy: :icon_eek:
Off to hide on goes the Ring! :pop4:
if anyone can email the tigermoth i was unable to download ... wehn and if one has time or will , many thanks....

joshua .....

the canadian connection
The more I see the screenies, the more I realise what a nicely detailed model this Tiger Moth is. Thanks, Clive!

@HH, I really enjoy tree-top dodging, the mission should be great fun! - (aided by the improved meshbuilderbudgets file which gives more valleys to hide in..:icon_lol: )
David, your work has made this a MUCH better landscape to crash in, indeed!!:applause:
Thanks much!!
:salute: :salute: :salute:
Glad to see the little aircraft getting some use :)

Have been playing around with the canopy damage again, it seems to work ok so will be included in the final model.

View attachment 80121

Clive I forgot all about your windscreen bullet holes. Did you ever perfect these and can this effect be used for any model? If so I definitely want to add yet another layer of realism to my install.
Here's a link to the latest wip.


This has windscreen damage and windscreen oil effects.
I made a boob in that there are seperate textures for the wings and fuselage which means you can't have a mos file as cfs3 allows only one, or I couldn't get it to work anyway. Soooo I've added emitters to the model and linked them to bullet hole effects. It seems to work pretty well. This is all experimental stuff!

Have also added navlights - but the one on the rudder is disabled as it didn't move with the rudder animation. Not sure if there's a way around that problem.

Your thoughts, inputs or suggestions on any of this would be appreciated! :)

Lewis I separated the tail texture for you so that should be ok now too.
Have also added navlights - but the one on the rudder is disabled as it didn't move with the rudder animation. Not sure if there's a way around that problem.

That's a known problem with CFS3 lights, their position in-game seems to be fixed on loading the model, so they don't move with the moving parts.
Truly beautiful Clive!!:applause: :applause:
I have three missions for this so far, I will set them all up using your model of Tigermoth..
Love the effects!

It is fun to evade with this bird.. been giving some Luftwaffe pilots a lessons in low level flying..
Many thanks..
I will have this ready soon for all..
:salute: :salute:
Thanks Old Tiger, it's actually quite theraputic.

By messing around with the hierachy and parenting of objects in the extermal and cockpit models you can get damaged instruments and fire inside the 'pit. I need to work more on this but it looks promising. This isn't a new idea, it was tried years ago in the cfs3 mod development and there are limitations. if I remember to do with rain apperaing inside the pit too. Not a problem on open cockpits though.

In this shot the airspeed instrument texture, bezel and glass are linked to the external model, only the needle and a dummy 'gauge_airspeed_indicator' are part of the cockpit. The damage emmiter and cockpit insides are also linked to the externals.
