Tigermoth re-work

It might not be damp here, but it's too bloomin' cold for flying Clive! Thanks for the Tiggy, PM to follow. :jump:
Tried it in the desert,weather much nicer there.
Geat job! beautiful A/C.:applause: A bit bouncy on take-off dont need to apply full throttle. got a black prop issue wich I corrected by changing the acc_propblur_raf to acc_propblur_wood in the DH82_tigermoth_RAF.D file. Getting the "tail wheel lock disengaged-press <shift+L> to Engage" message, wich does not go away when prompted;would like to figure this one out.
Add tailwheel_lock = 1 to the Aircraft.cfg file just after the static_cg_height entry in the [contact_points] section.
Am very grateful for the inputs, thanks. I hadn't picked up on the tailwheel issue, I always have the labels turned off!
Installed in MAW and had a quick fly with her, I made a single mission to fly around Cairo.

Same as gosd:
"got a black prop issue": don't forget to include the dds file in the final package.
"Getting the "tail wheel lock disengaged-press <shift+L> to Engage" message": same here.

-> Cruise speed is setup at 125 in the xdp file. At this speed, there is a red message "Warning - exceeding max design speed" (see below a screen shot taken just after a stop warp waypoint).

-> It is possible to operate dive brakes and bomb bay. None of them is associated to any animation, you can remove them from the aircraft.cfg.

I really like the engine sound.
The .dds for the prop is there but you must modify the m3d file to get it yo work:" Got a black prop issue wich I corrected by changing the acc_propblur_raf to acc_propblur_wood in the DH82_tigermoth_RAF.m3D file".
There are some good freeware FM's for the Tiger Moth out there for the FS models, maybe one could be adapted with the author's permission for this one. It might save some work. I've not got it installed yet, but I'll look over it soon.
Have been correcting the issues as they've been pointed out to me, thanks chaps. :)

The wood prop crept in as originally it had the red civvie skin, got mixed up in the modelling along the way.

Looks good Lewis! The prop centre mapping is on the RH side of the main texture if you wanted to make it all wood.
I'm missing out on something interesting here! Subtle hint there...

The unlocked tail wheel is standard CFS-speak for "I don't like fixed undercarts" and as far as I can see, they all do it. Must be a bug or something.