Tigermoth re-work

The 'pit is underway, lots yet to do!

If you need anything just yell.

Tom..or any of you other gurus...how do you calibrate the gauges? The SDK is not too clear and I'm fearing that it involves maths! :icon_lol:

(wheels out and dusts off arithmetic CSE pass , C minus: cough cough)

The airspeed needle animation is calibrated in km/hr and 0 km/h is frame 0, 2000 km/h is frame 2000, so for a Tiggie you'll be rotating airspeed_needle to the 160mph mark at frame 257 (257 km/h). Set the needle for the other calibration marks, don't depend on the scale to be uniform all the way around.

vertical_speed_needle is not terribly obvious, so this from my crib sheet:-

-4000 feet/min (descending...!) at keyframe 80
-3000 fpm at keyframe 85
-2000 fpm at keyframe 90
-1000 fpm at keyframe 95

steady flight 0 fpm at keyframe 100

+1000 fpm (climbing) at keyframe 105
+2000 fpm at keyframe 110
+3000 fpm at keyframe 115
+4000 fpm at keyframe 120​

Altimeter animations are pure rotation animations around the needle's Z axis handled by CFS3 itself, one full turn for a hundred, thousand or ten thousand feet depending on which needle you're talking about.

For the turn rate, neutral is at keyframe 100; standard, double, 3x and 4x turns left are at keyframes 75, 50, 25 and 0 whereas standard, double, 3x and 4x turns right are at keyframes 125, 150, 175 and 200.

Slip is neutral at keyframe 50, 3 balls left at 0 and 3 balls right at 100.

This should give you the idea. I also find the gauge tooltips incredibly useful for checking this in-sim: I name the gauge body by the tooltip name and in CFS3 you can read off what the sim thinks the value is to compare with what the needle is pointing to.

Hope this helps! (and I like the compass bezel - P11 or P4 type?)

A terribly useful prog when working these out is convert.exe, Milton put me on to this one. Converts from gallons to Hindustani firkins by way of troy ounces, should you so wish.


OT: Ben Ainslie just lifted his fourth sailing gold in four Olympics - not bad for a lad!
Thanks Tom! :salute: Doesn't look too onerous. Luckily there's no rate of climb, just speed, alt, turn & slip and rpm. There are also two spirit levels for nose and bank and a mechanical airspeed indictor. The compass is a P8 (I think!).

But to confuse matters every photo and illusrtation I can fnd of a TM cockpit is different!
A quick update, the LOD 100 is about done, on to the cockpits next.
There's very little of Ole's original model left now, as it always is, it would have been easier to start from scratch!


Just beautiful!
Can't wait to give her a good wrecking..:gameoff:

Of course there will need to be a purple and pink polka dotted one for us hobbits!!
:mixedsmi: :icon_eek: :mixedsmi:
Do you plan on doing the auster and/or the Cub too when you finish the Tiger Moth? Did you have to re-map the mesh after you "rebuilt" it?
But to confuse matters every photo and illusrtation I can fnd of a TM cockpit is different!

lol..yeah, when your lucky enough to get a few good cockpit photos they never quite match up. certainly better than having no sources to work from.

shaping up to be a pretty good aircraft :jump:
It’s got a full damage model just for you Owen!

Do you plan on doing the auster and/or the Cub too when you finish the Tiger Moth? Did you have to re-map the mesh after you "rebuilt" it?

A few parts of Ole Egholms original mesh still remain but the mapping is revised. Rob Stevenson is kindly preparing the textures and tidying up the fm’s etc.
The templates will be released with the model to facilitate easier skinning :)

I have Ole’s Auster model as well but I don’t know when I’ll get round to doing anything with it.

shaping up to be a pretty good aircraft

...just don't look too closely Steve!! :icon_lol:

Edit... have just come across this forum where a chap has built a stunning model from the old Airfix kit. I've just ordered the kit so this is great inspiration - not that mine will look anything like as good as he has achieved!


There's also a link in amongst the replies to a great set of walk-around photos which have thrown up some good detail and bits that I've got wrong.


Hi all,

Not posted for a while, have had a very sad start to the new year and have been keeping busy.
I've managed to spend a few hours on the Tiger moth though in readiness for releasing it sometime in the next month or so.
The modelling is pretty naff as is the texturing I'm afraid - I'll include the source files so that someone can make a better job of it perhaps! :)

Paint and markings of 10 Elimentary Flying Training School, Yatesbury 1940.




Looks excellent Clive! Whatever misfortune you are having I hope you have a great year and we wish you all the best.

Pilot Officer Pattle on first solo, I think - no-one in the front 'pit! That VC looks quite tidy Clive! :jump:
Well it looks good to me! I'll be looking forward to it's release! I'm sorry to hear you've been having a hard time, I hope things get better for you.