Tonight's Flight

Took off from Valle heading south to Phoenix in a Arizona Airways DC-3. Arizona Airways was a small airline that only flew in the state of Arizona with 3 DC-3s until bought out by Frontier.

Pretty nice flight up until I turned over the rail yard and settled into short final when FS locked up and then went CTD on me. So no pics of KPHX for now. I'll try to get a few on my next flight out of there.
Continuing with the Argentine Navy's circumnavigation of their homeland...

left Formosa (no, the one south of the equator --SARF) and headed east.
View attachment 44873Terrain here is very flat and mostly boring but all of a sudden there was this hill... thank goodness the clouds were scattered as our 3500' altitude seemed rather low...View attachment 44874

After much negotiation ( this IS a military a/c) the authorities in both Paraguay and Brazil allowed us entry into their airspace so we could tour the magnificent river and new hydro-electric facility at Iguazu (Iguacu) Falls.
View attachment 44877 View attachment 44878's the heat. Turn a fan on your computer and fly Alaska until the bubble breaks!! That and wake turbulence....a 247 that thinks it's a 747....not an easy run of it, Willy!

Hey Tom, the scenery is by David Marshall and John McKeon. It's an easy find at Avsim.

I've tweaked their AFCAD to better represent the scale and layout of the place, but left the parking in the realm of "imaginarily generous." The AFCAD still identifies Tillamook as the old S47, rather than the current KTMK. I believe the old FS default is S47. I haven't had the time look into the tweaking and correcting to remedy that.

Find the AFCAD attached, any who may wish to play with it. You need the freeware 7zip to open it.
I finally got to complete a flight today - for the first time in several months! I used Manfred and team's L749 in my own (rather non-descript) private livery to ferry a few rich toursts from the mountains of North Carolina down to the South Carolina coast.

Leaving KAVL in not the greatest weather...
View attachment 44936

Leaving said weather behind...
View attachment 44937

Large thunderhead looming - and I'm already at 14,000 feet! Lucky for me that ATC vectored me away from the t-storm for approach before I got to close.
View attachment 44939

Thanks to ATC's late instrution to descend, getting down without overspeeding meant dropping the throttles below the green curve on the MAP gauges. Hopefully I didn't do any permanent damage to the radial by chilling them too much. The runway was already in sight before I was able to get slow enough to drop the gear.
View attachment 44940

Once the first notch of flaps was down, speed started coming off pretty quick. Got the gear down, the flaps down the rest of the way, locked onto the glideslope, then pecked the throttles back up to maintain about 105 indicated and she slid in slick as snot!
View attachment 44941

Of course it had to start raining right as I was taxiing to the drop-off location. But then, a bad day at the beach beats a good day just about anywhere else!
View attachment 44942
No pics, but I spent about an hour taking off and landing the HJG Boeing 727-100 at Memphis (KMEM). No VC, so I've been landing it from spot view.
Working up a D.B. Cooper run Willy? ;)

Naw, been flying Delta instead of Northwest. :d

Kind of have a tube thing going on at the moment and thought I'd fly some tri-jets. Other than not having a VC, the HJG 727 is a pretty nice one. Thinking about the Lockheed L1011 after I've had enough of the 727.

are you feeling okay? I mean tubes, man, that's just downright weird coming from you.Next thing you'll be saying that your love of all things with spinning things up front was a mistook!!?

Know thine enemy. :d

Sometimes Flight 19 goes into the jetliner mode. It helps to stay current with one or two to help prevent total embarrassment in front of the guys. For me David Maltsby's DH 106 Comet and the HJG 727 usually covers any need for passenger jets. The Tristar is for when I'm feeling a bit masochistic.
You should try your hand at the new 747-800F! Set up a landing with about 20% fuel and 100% cargo. It's not exactly the most forgiving thing in the world, but at least all that weight helps to smooth out turbulence.
I actually flew for a while this evening....been a while since I have done anything solid with being summer time and with a move coming up soon. But tonight, I fired up one of David Copley's wonderful P-38s and flew from my home strip (KMFD...Mansfield) to Cincinnati. Took a few screen shots...but Ohio is totally boring to fly over in FS...just flat they are not worth attaching. I haven't flown any of Dave's Lightnings for a while and forgot just how wonderful they are to fly, how immersive they can be (especially with TrackIR!). The flight was sweet...lasted about 40 minutes. I screwed the pooch on landing...came in way too hot, way too heavy and Panthered BIG TIME.

Tom, if I'm going to fly a wide body, the L1011 Tristar gets the nod.

Took off in the big Lockheed from Phoenix for a short hop to Albuquerque. As with the 727, no VC so it was a spot view landing. Kind of fun taking off and landing this one in these smaller retro airports.

Finding a big enough parking spot can be rather tough though......
I never could land from spot view. What I do is make sure I have a functional "Minipanel" that includes an HSI of some sort (usually the one from the C208) for Loc/GS info and use that view. I also make sure that the panel.cfg is configured so that horizon is in the middle of the screen when the plane is level. That way I can get more of a "seat of my pants" feel as I'm landing.
Hauled some freight from Albuquerque to El Paso in the ol' DC-7B freighter. Nice flight in thunderstorms all the way. Even got a lightning flash in the last screenshot.
Took off in John Wayne's DC-4 from the move "The High and Mighty" and headed to Greater Fort Worth airport. Nice flight across most of Texas...
No one else been flying? I was rather hoping that we'd get more response on this.

I've been flying every night. Night before last, it was Memphis to Chicago-Midway in a Chicago & Southern DC-4. C&S flew between Chicago and New Orleans during the late 40s, early 50s with their HQ in Memphis. Delta bought them out about 1952.

Last night it was an American L749 Constellation from Chicago-Midway heading back south to Knoxville Tennessee. That was the plan anyway. Had a real life t-storm blow up outside, so I pulled up the map, picked the nearest big airport and landed in Louisville, Kentucky before shutting down and unplugging my comp. Don't know where I'm going to tonight yet, but I was working my way to the East coast. It will probably be in a Connie though as I'd forgotten how much I like to fly them. Especially the early ones (L049, L649 & L749).

So where are you flying to?