Tonight's Flight

at the moment? off the rails as no work has been done around here and muggins has to sort everything out :icon_lol:

been in the paint shed more than flying recently... that should change soon though... i could do with a nice fly to relax....
I've been on drugs for back spasms for the last few days. All I've been able to do is watch Starget SG-1 on Wii/Netflix from the recliner!
My flights tend to be extremely short. I get home late and don't usually get a chance to really fly. However I did do a flight for this thread. A short hop from Riverview airport in Jenison MI (08C) and Grand Haven Mem'l Airpark (3GM), about 20 miles as the crow flies, usually about 30 for me because I was flying strict IFR (I Follow Rivers), even if I couldn't actually see the river for half the flight. I also decided to check out Jablonski (or as I call it That Airstrip with the Navion parked by it--don't bother looking I didn't see a Navion either but there's one in real life). Despite the fact I didn't use landing lights at 3GM I still did a pretty good landing--TriPacers might look goofy but they do make one look good on landing. I took a shot of it parked on the tarmac. Oddly enough, the real 3GM has airplane parking behind that plane is in the real life parking lot for cars, and behind my vantage point there's an F-100(Super Sabre, not Ford) on a pedestal on gate guardian duty. And yes I know I should get that windshield checked. Maybe by next annual...And yes I know that is a lit pipe on the left armrest--that's what makes this plane so cool--So...politically...incorrect...
Good flights!

I picked out a Capital Airlines Constellation and left Louisville behind for Washington DC (KDCA). Nice flight over Kentucky, West Virginia and Virginia.

I can't say enough good things about the Manfred Jahn Constellations (L749, L1049, L1649 & various C-121s). I'm still discovering features with them like the airstairs tonight. And best thing is that they're freeware.
Last night's flight started in Union City, Tennessee (North West corner of the state) and ended at Athens, Tennessee (South East corner of the state) in the Alpha Gloster Meteor F.3. I thought I'd fly across the state taking in all the mountain scenery....only to find that Tennessee is as flat as an old iron flap jack griddle. It wasn't until I got close to the Eastern border of the state that I began to see mountains. I kept thinking that maybe the mesh I am using (FS Genesis freeware USA mesh) was either inaccurate or not activated properly, so once I landed at Athens, with a broken nose gear by the way, I pulled up a topographical map of Tennessee from the US Geological Society and found that Tennessee is so flat for the most part that the USGS has given names to the various flat parts of the state.

I took a few screen shots, but looking at screen shots of the Meteor over flat land make for poor entertainment, so I will spare you all the boredom.

Tomorrow night's flight will find me flying across another state from one corner to the opposite corner....getting to see the great US of A on the cheap side.

Obio, Union City is about a 30 minute drive up the road from me. I haven't found a mesh yet that does West Tennessee justice.
Tonight was almost old times. Got online and flew with Taco from KDCA to Boston (KBOS) Taco was in the new L-49 Constellation and I was in the L-749 Connie. Took some screenshots but they were some of the ugliest ones I've ever taken so they went into the bin.

Overflew Manhattan on the way. When we got to Boston, it was storming pretty darned heavy. I went out over the harbor and turned back around to come in that way and into the wind. Raining so hard, I could just barely see the runway lights and sometimes not at all. Lost sight of 'em on very short final when I was about 100ft off the water and next thing I knew I heard the sound of the wheels splashing in the bay just offshore from the runway end. I went full throttle and managed to hop it up onto the bank and was darn glad to be there on the grass. I'm just hoping some of the passengers don't lawyer up and file a lawsuit. But you can surf a Connie!
Howdy :wavey:

Here are a few snaps from last nights flight from KDCA to KBOS. I didn't get a chance to see Willy's surfing with the connie, shucks, I was real busy trying to find and see the darn runway. The fig settled in just about the time I was on approach, and then to make matters worst I hit the wrong button and the computor shut down! But, all in all it was a fun flight and it was real nice to be back flying with the infamous Flight 19.

Also been busy in the workshop and paintshop working on the Bonney Gull; taking up for a short flight when done to check things out. It is beginning to look like...uh...The Bonney Gull!

Halifax to Gander in a gaggle of Connies.
Moses, Taco and Willy in the antiques and me in a L-1649.

Moses gets blown out of the air enroute but the rest of us soldier on. Approaching Gander the weather deteriorates until the approach in...

an airplane I haven't flown in a year, approaching darkness, an old autopilot with unknown tendencies, no checklist handy, and the weather is....

200 & 1/2 :kilroy:

Had the approach lights at 300', the threshold at 200' and the runway sometime thereafter. Worst part was trying to find the ramp and the other guys once I landed

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and it got worse afterward. Before I shut down I checked the ATIS... 1/8 mile in fog...
It was a great flight. Until time to land. I got off to the left a bit and touched down in the grass. Before I could hit prop reverse to slow down, the nose wheel folded up under me and I ended up pranging the Connie pretty good. Nothing some duct tape and bubble gum can't fix though.