Last night's flight started in Union City, Tennessee (North West corner of the state) and ended at Athens, Tennessee (South East corner of the state) in the Alpha Gloster Meteor F.3. I thought I'd fly across the state taking in all the mountain scenery....only to find that Tennessee is as flat as an old iron flap jack griddle. It wasn't until I got close to the Eastern border of the state that I began to see mountains. I kept thinking that maybe the mesh I am using (FS Genesis freeware USA mesh) was either inaccurate or not activated properly, so once I landed at Athens, with a broken nose gear by the way, I pulled up a topographical map of Tennessee from the US Geological Society and found that Tennessee is so flat for the most part that the USGS has given names to the various flat parts of the state.
I took a few screen shots, but looking at screen shots of the Meteor over flat land make for poor entertainment, so I will spare you all the boredom.
Tomorrow night's flight will find me flying across another state from one corner to the opposite corner....getting to see the great US of A on the cheap side.