Two Most Compatible 2020 Aircraft So Far


Just finished going through most of my 2020 aircraft to check for use in 2024. So far, these two passed with flying colors. A few others were close, but missing pilots or inability to get rid of dynamic registration numbers kept them off the list of winners.

AH P-51 (Simmarket) - Flies and looks great. All of the repaints I have from FlightsimTo work. All extra animations work with the except of switching to the civi pilot, which is a known 2024 issue. The modern GOS option is a little dark but readable.

AH C-46 (MSMP) - Flies and looks great. All of the repaints I have from FlightsimTo work, including the glass and tire mod. All extra animations work. At one time I had the Jeep sitting outside on the ground, but I can't remember how i did that.

Note: While testing aircraft repaints is when I ran into the issue of 2024 not letting you completely get rid of a dynamic registration. For some reason it wants something in that data box. If you clear the entry, it puts some or all of that back in the box. They'll have to give us an option to ditch the DR or it's going to spoil a lot of 3rd party repaints.

Just remembered the Aircraft Secure Switch de-planes the Jeep.

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In 2020, I would put in a transparent font in the panel.cfg to take care of these without disrupting the aircraft otherwise. I'll have to see if it works in 2024.
I've found several '2020 aircraft that are fantastic in '2024, and which also have pilots (because they have their own/don't depend on the MSFS figures). They include the Taog UH-1 Huey, the Carenado Waco YMF-5, the Flight Replicas Piper L-4, Flight Replicas Fox Moth, Flight Replicas P-40, Flight Replicas Spitfires, FlyingIron P-38, FlyingIron Hellcat and Shrike F-86. From my experience, they all work flawlessly in '2024, from cold and dark startups, to flight, to shutdown. Some ported over from '2020 have the glass issue as seen on the AH P-51 in Forest's post (they use default MSFS 2020 glass textures) - according to a few dev reports, Asobo/Microsoft are working on fixing that along with the other reported issues with portovers from '2020. In the mean-time, those I've had access to with the glass problem, I've replaced the glass textures with those I released for the Flight Replicas L-4, which gets rid of most of the smudges and scratches that are too overly apparent.

All screenshots from '2024:

A lot of my favorites in that list of yours. I'll try those as soon as I land in a few minutes. I've got a couple more to add to this thread of 2020 working aircraft.

More 2020 aircaft that checked out with 2024.

As mentioned above, the Flight Replicas P-40N (MSMP) does great. Has a pilot and did work with a FlightsimTO repaint that I use for this aircraft.
The one thing I wasn't sure of is if this MSMP version has a drop tank option.

DC Designs Stearman (MSMP). I haven't tried this one with any repaints yet.
The detailed airport is La Victoria de Chacabuco Airport (SCVH), Argentina, a default 2024 airstrip.

Farnham Goliath (MSMP). Has the pilot and the mechanic, plus it looks like all of the ground animations work. At least they did for this cargo variant. I haven't tried the passenger ship yet.

The P-38 & F6F are in and working. Thank you!

No go on the L-4 pilots though. Is there a click spot somewhere for those?

More 2020 aircaft that checked out with 2024.

As mentioned above, the Flight Replicas P-40N (MSMP) does great. Has a pilot and did work with a FlightsimTO repaint that I use for this aircraft.
The one thing I wasn't sure of is if this MSMP version has a drop tank option.

DC Designs Stearman (MSMP). I haven't tried this one with any repaints yet.
The detailed airport is La Victoria de Chacabuco Airport (SCVH), Argentina, a default 2024 airstrip.

Farnham Goliath (MSMP). Has the pilot and the mechanic, plus it looks like all of the ground animations work. At least they did for this cargo variant. I haven't tried the passenger ship yet.

That mountain scenery in the first Goliath image looks more like FS9?
It appears the NORMAL files I created for the AH P-51D repaints don't work anymore in MFS2024. All the surface contours are gone and the model's rivets and panel lines are flat.
This AH F3F ( Simmarket) has me baffled. Has a pilot. It looks fantastic in 2024 and flies just like it did in 2020. The only issue I can't figure out is trying to cold start. The normal start procedure goes okay, but she just won't catch and stay running. It's like she's getting no fuel. No problem using the runway start option where she's already running. To double check whether this is a 2024 issue, I also installed the F3F in 2020, where it always worked fine, but now the cold start issue is over there also. One difference is that in 2020 Ctrl-E works. In 2024, Ctrl-E gets her cranking but she won't catch.

Just finished going through all of my MSMP aircraft looking for the ones that at least have pilots. Found 3 more, the Gee Bees, the T-6 Class, and the Inibuilds Airbus A310-300. What was odd is that the T-6 have pilots, but not the P-51 Unlimited. I would have guessed they either both did, or both didn't

Haven't had time to fly them to see how that goes yet. I wanted to get through checking my MSMP aircraft that have shown up so far. Still missing 7 that have never shown up.

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Which 7?

I seem to be missing quite a few. I purchased the Premium Deluxe, and the XBox app shows I own them, but they have not installed. They are both shown as "Disabled" in my list.
Not worrying about the pilot thing right now... It's such an egregious issues I have to think it'll be patched in the 12/10-12/12 patch.

(Yeah, I'm an optimist.)
I'm with you on this one. It's one of the things that's so obvious you would think it was at the top of the list.

One thing that does have me scratching my head is that graphic from the broadcast yesterday showing all the fixes based on votes. I didn't see anything on that entire list that made me think, great that's something really important that needs fixing. Like the #1 item on the list is airport lights being too bright. At least there are lights, but what about having no nav lights on any aircraft, missing ground illumination from landing lights on some aircraft, and interior lighting being very weak including back lighting on GPS units.

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This AH F3F ( Simmarket) has me baffled. Has a pilot. It looks fantastic in 2024 and flies just like it did in 2020. The only issue I can't figure out is trying to cold start. The normal start procedure goes okay, but she just won't catch and stay running. It's like she's getting no fuel. No problem using the runway start option where she's already running. To double check whether this is a 2024 issue, I also installed the F3F in 2020, where it always worked fine, but now the cold start issue is over there also. One difference is that in 2020 Ctrl-E works. In 2024, Ctrl-E gets her cranking but she won't catch.


Just a thought....

With some aircraft in FSX, I still needed to manually set the mixture to rich for Ctrl-E to work.

Just a thought....

With some aircraft in FSX, I still needed to manually set the mixture to rich for Ctrl-E to work.

It sure seems like a fuel starvation issue. I've started looking for some mysterious key command like "Full Rich" or "Fuel On", that for some reason isn't reacting to actual VC controls???

The Gee Bee aircraft also have this same issue. I'm hope I either figure it out or some magic 2024 MSMP fix cures it. I like both aircraft.

The three new MSMP aircraft with pilots discoveries from yesterday.
