• Warbirds Library V4 (Resources for now) How to

    We just posted part one of the how to on uploading new files to the Library. Part 1 covers adding new files. Part 2 will cover making changes to your the uploads you own.

    Questions or comments please post them in the regular forums. Which forum is that... Well it is the one you spend the most time in.

    Thanks the Staff

    Library How to

Unofficial Alphasim Community Forum

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A new forum has opened for the old crowd at Alphasim.

It is called the "Unofficial Alphasim Community Forum".

The URL is: http://www.virtualavia.com/alphasim/

It is sponsored by Shaggy. Thank you Shaggy!
The use of Alphasim in the title has been authorized by Alphasim. Thank you Phil.

At this time there are only two forum sections: "Screenshots" and "The Cafe"

There is no Tech Support section. The official Alphasim website has support.

Please come over and register.
May want to alter this statement in the forum Frank:

CONSTRUCTIVE criticism is allowed, however any criticisms will be heavily moderated.

Reads as: Constructive criticism will also be heavily moderated ;)
Mmm looking at the list of moderators I dont think I'd last long over there LOL, doesnt look like a place where you can speak freely, looks more like a fan club than the last set of forums TBH.

Still it'll make a lot of people very happy, all the power to them and good luck for the future :ernae:.


Well, so far everyone is walking around over there like the floor is made of egg shells. The point of the new one is to allow the folks who used to frequent the old one get back together and share screenshots, tell war stories, etc. No support will be provided -- Alphasim has nothing to do with that place other than use of the name -- they can take care of that on their own turf. If you want to grumble do it here. Believe me they do read it over here.

We just opened this new place top stay in touch. There is nothing to be critical of yet. I didn't write the rules. I'm only the messenger. One hour old and I'm already defending it. :banghead:
Ain't life fun Frank :costumes:

I too wish it the best of luck and hope it serves those who use it well.
Well, so far everyone is walking around over there like the floor is made of egg shells. The point of the new one is to allow the folks who used to frequent the old one get back together and share screenshots, tell war stories, etc. No support will be provided -- Alphasim has nothing to do with that place other than use of the name -- they can take care of that on their own turf. If you want to grumble do it here. Believe me they do read it over here.

We just opened this new place top stay in touch. There is nothing to be critical of yet. I didn't write the rules. I'm only the messenger. One hour old and I'm already defending it. :banghead:

Frank you know me, I do two things really well, one : annoy the bejezus out of a lot of people, two : bend lean poly meshes.

I wont sign up because I wont be able to help myself at some point call a spade a spade and I don't think thats the sort of thing they want to encourage over there.

I understand what their doing and that they honestly mean well but their effectively advertising for Alphasim for free when Alphasim pulled the rug from under their feet. The fact that Alphasim endorses the name simply proves that Alphasim realise the need and importance of forums but are not prepared to take the rough with the smooth :isadizzy:.

Sorry I'm just a little at odds with the concept of an unofficial Alphasim forum, its a contradiction of terms, I suspect that I'm probably the only person on the planet who thinks like that LOL.

I've no axe to grind with anyone who partakes and I do wish them well, now I'd better get back to that second thing I do really well, in an effort to balance this one LOL.


Welcome to the Unofficial AlphaSim Community Forum's Cafe section. Please follow these rules.

No defamation of persons, products, or opinions, PERIOD.

You may discuss other companies' products but should refrain from comparisons and negativity.

CONSTRUCTIVE criticisms are allowed, but they will be heavily moderated.
Moderators do not need to provide a reason to delete, modify, or move posts.


There will be no discussion, debate, or mention of Phil or AlphaSim's decisions about the official forum, product support, and their reaction to other websites. Any post concerning these will be deleted immediately and the post's author temporarily or permanently banned.

Phil himself allowed us to create a forum here for the AlphaSim community.

The Moderation Staff


Seems like a very open and friendly place to me.
I understand what their doing and that they honestly mean well but their effectively advertising for Alphasim for free when Alphasim pulled the rug from under their feet. The fact that Alphasim endorses the name simply proves that Alphasim realise the need and importance of forums but are not prepared to take the rough with the smooth :isadizzy:.

Nah Michael, I usually find myself agreeing with you on most points but I can assure you this was being discussed long before the whole discussion thread started here about the AS forums being down. It was suggested to get some sort of forum back for the community as they didn't want to kill off the community that used to frequent their forums for general discussions, screenshot posts etc. ;)

Again no support forum, no official AS governing the whole thing.
Nah Michael, I usually find myself agreeing with you on most points but I can assure you this was being discussed long before the whole discussion thread started here about the AS forums being down. It was suggested to get some sort of forum back for the community as they didn't want to kill off the community that used to frequent their forums for general discussions, screenshot posts etc. ;)

Again no support forum, no official AS governing the whole thing.

Yes I fully understand the why and wherefore, but using Alphasim in the name implies an implicit association, y'all been better off starting a forum for Ex Alphasim members or something, the fact that Phil has graciously allowed the use of the Alphasim name means that they are beholden to him and its not truly a place where you can speak freely, at any time if Alphasim feel the forum is not best supporting Alphasim interests then he can remove the name linking or make life difficult.

Currently the membership is aware of the why and wherefore, but what of new members in a years time ?, how will they fair when they see a forum with Alphasim in the title, but not allowed to ask tech questions and ask for product resolutions, granted you have a read me but be honest, how many people read them ?, they don't, y'all saw that at AS, never read the rules and never use the search engine, rule stickies are great, great for pointing to people after they have posted something inappropriate. I ran AS forums for five years and another TS one for three, I know too well what members are like, especially new ones LOL, bless em :icon_lol:.

I'm not suggesting he will but I've been on the dirty ( sometimes very dirty ) side of this business for ten years and friendships never last for ever and when pushin gets to shovin things taken for granted suddenly become a mess.

Anyway its only my PoV and counts for nowt, its becoming clear by the day that my path is diverging at an exponential rate, I should learn to let go graciously LOL.


Having lurked at the old AS forums for a long time, it seemed to me that for each post that sincerely offered help or constructive criticism, there were several more that were a lot closer to sneering and bandwagon-jumping. I guess when it's all aimed at YOU it's sometimes hard to sort one from t'other, and defensiveness seeps in. Doubly so when it's their hobby but your livelihood. I don't agree with their decision to scrap the forums, and their current hypersensitivity to criticism does them no favours, but I think I understand it.
I understand the rules there but is it really fair if you buy a bad product you can't discuss it with other members:banghead: If it wasn't for some of you guys pushing me in the right direction I would have ended up with more junk that I can handle.
Thanks Frank for the heads up.

Good to know there is still a place to talk on their lines of aircraft.

I love my Rutan.


The website is not offering anything for hire; It doesn't need Phil's approval to use the alphasim name. I could go start my own website to talk about Alphasim tomorrow if I wanted and it would be totally legal. I can even bring it in here, see: ALPHASIM, ALPHASIM, ALPHASIM. He can only reach out and touch you with litigation if your website set out to defame Alphasim's name.

You can do whatever you want with your own forum, because it is your own forum, but IMHO and with all due respect it seems rediculous that criticism would be heavily moderated. You can be a true fan of the Yankees and be mad about how they played a game. On the same side of the token; you can appreciate Alphasim's products and think that some of them aren't worth one KB on a TB drive.

Maybe not on a private forum, but for the love of god already; If I pay 50 dollars for something that I felt I didn't get a good deal on, then I don't care whatsoever about the seller's feelings. A seller should be more worried about a buyer's feelings than the other way around. When did we get so mixed up in the MSFS world? Devs are a bunch of primadonnas--it ain't always bad, but sometimes it is. Jesus. I'll tiptoe around their feelings when I want them to give ME money.:banghead:
BTW: It may not seem that way after my last post, but I think it's pretty cool of you to open up those forums.:ernae:
Devs are a bunch of primadonnas
I´ve been restraining myself from posting in this thread, but i have to disagree with you in this statement.The FACT that Alphasim Owner/Devs/Forum Masters of The Universe BELIEVE they are the ultimate :censored:t! in the entire universe, does not give the right to anyone to include the other devs in the same can of worms.I´ve met TRUE gentlemen in this biz, people who are more than willing to say "I´m sorry, i did a mistake", and ABOVE ALL, real creators, not just TWEAKERS of someone else´s work to fit a simulator platform.There, now ban me, throw me to the lions, whatever you want, but i wont accept anyone to call the rest of us devs "primma donnas" just because a bunch think they are.
BTW, is nothing personal against you tigisfat, just that i believe the generalization was totally uncalled for

Best regards

PS: That is all i´m going to say on this subject JUST AS PROFESSIONAL COURTESY.
Hey Poli-Jedi, you should sign up any way.

Nope, too political for me, I've enough trouble keeping my nose clean and biting my tongue in the current forums I haunt LOL, I dont need another where I have to mind my Ps and Qs :icon_lol:.

Y'all have fun now over there.


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