Update for the Asobo/Microsoft P-51A


Staff member
A fix has been posted on flightsim.to to rectify the prop problems of this otherwise brilliant model!

Screenshots will follow later!

What's the difference between this mod and the last P51 mod issued?

Thanks, LouP
Nope I've tried it now and it doesn't seem to work. There are no specific install instructions - I just plonked it in my aircraft MoDs file in linker
He's trying really hard to get it to work (has a discord page), having issues with Asobo filing roadblocks & lockouts it seems but they are on the case! Really loving his work, the P-51D is awesome now & will only get better, I removed AH Mustang the other night as after their last update it has become a train wreck. There's also a mod for the T-6 being worked on with opening cockpits, a spinner etc.