Updated C-1323k by V. Zhigulskiy at A VSIMRUS.com

I've noticed that there's two CHT gauges ( a single one and a 2 in 1 gauge ).

I replaced the single CHT ( next to the RMI ) with the missing Altimeter .....

Made it slightly larger to match.

gauge44=C123zh!Altimeter, 683,532,94,94
//gauge44=//C123zh!Eng1 Cht, 701,546,59,57

And the VC ....
gauge27=C123zh!Altimeter, 730,287,100,100
//gauge27=C123zh!Eng1 Cht, 745,297,73,74

Ideally it needs a gauge surround mod to the panel bmp to accommodate the larger gauge there.

You are most welcome Charl ... The Hogs are the payload for the Air America aircraft, don't think they are equipped with parachutes - I could be wrong - "When Pigs Fly " !!! LOL ! Mike ;)
Meh... no, they are indeed so equipped.
But there's something I am missing here.
Didn't think Air America was into meat processing... well, not of the porcine variety.

"Alright, I'm not gonna die dropping pigs from the sky! Not gonna happen!" - Billy Covington (Robert Downy Jr), "Air America" 1990.
As much as my limited russian let me to understand, Vladimir on russian avsim said that he will release patch.
Shockwave bits for this one are a bit of a challenge what with Vlad's interesting use of light switches for animations. However, I have come up with something that works. Only question i have is there a taxi light and if so where is it located? Vlad has a taxi light switch on the "E" panel, but I can't tell the actual location. For now I stuck one on the nose gear. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

BTW, same aet up for both versions. I think Vlad was just captivated by those silly pigs:icon_lol:

Aircraft.cfg Entries:

//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit
light.0=3, 3.9, -56.5, 8.1, fx_shockwave_navred ,
light.1=3, 3.9, 56.5, 8.1, fx_shockwave_navgre ,
light.3=1, -41.90, 0.0, 26.40, fx_shockwave_beaconh,
light.5=4, 1.20, -0.50, 3.15, fx_shockwave_vclight,,
light.6=4, 1.20, 0.50, 3.15, fx_shockwave_vclight,,
light.7=4, -5.10, -4.50, 1.75, fx_shockwave_vclight,,
light.8=4, -5.10, 4.50, 1.75, fx_shockwave_vclight,,
light.9=4, 24.40, -0.00, 4.45, fx_shockwave_vclight,,
light.10=4, 17.10, 4.50, 1.75, fx_shockwave_vclight,,

light.11 = 5, 8.40, 30.00, 7.80, fx_Shockwave_landing_light
light.12 = 5, 8.40, -30.00, 7.80, fx_Shockwave_landing_light
light.13 = 6, 24.90, 0.2, -3.70, fx_Shockwave_landing_light_small
//light.14 = 6, 24.90, -0.2, -3.70, fx_Shockwave_landing_light_small

//---Engine Exhaust ----
light.15= 3, -10.00, -21.11, 6.85, FX_B17_Smoke_BLK_OUTSIDE,
light.16= 3, -10.00, 18.11, 6.85, FX_B17_Smoke_BLK_OUTSIDE,

Panel.cfg Entries:

gauge28=shockwave_lights!SW Lights_gear, 1,1,1,1
gauge29=shockwave_lights!SW Lights_taxi_gear, 1,1,1,1
Not bad, I just wish he'd have fixed the undersized main gear wheels / tires and corrected the shape of the drop tanks (both issues with the earlier version). I could do with out the ground animations and I preferred the separate models for jets or no jets, tanks or no tanks of the earlier version, not gimmicky switching them off and on. What the heck are"jettisonable jets"? They were strucurally fixed on the real airplane. Also, tying the jet intake to the cowl flaps is just ludicrous, to fly simlating jet usage, the cowl flaps are wide open, a situation that would never happen in R/L. The texture mapping is much better though! I'm afraid that other that the texture re-mapping, this isn't a very good update. Maybe he'll read this and patch this up some more.

I made mention of a problem earlier and either no one knew the answer or no one read the post. So I'll ask again in a different way. Everyone who has this airplane should be able to answer this one. . . .When I load the airplane (cold and dark), the engine is dieseling and despite ensuring that everything is shut down, I've found no way to correct the issue. So, when any of you load your airplane cold and dark is your airplane sitting on the ramp quietly awaiting your arrival, or is it sitting there coughing and sputtering like it needs a drink? If it is the latter, have you found a way to correct that issue? Thank you!
I am suspecting the problem is in the airfile Falcon. Installed in FS9, which I have all my planes set up for idling and running at startup of FS9, I get this new model running and then immediately shuts down. If I try to restart the engines with a fully closed throttle they go through a series of starting/shutdown/start/shutdown/start/shutdown unless I crack the throttle barely open in which the engines will idle fine.

I suspected either the Aircraft cfg and/or the airfile that came with this new model and renamed both ending in original, then tried the Aircraft cfg from one of Vlad's older models which didn't seem to help, then I tried an older C123zh airfile and sure enough I had no more starting issues. So I believe the problem lay with the new model's airfile.

You might try renaming the new planes airfile and then copy and paste one of the older Vlad model's C123zh airfiles into the new model's folder to see if that helps.

On another note, the Aircraft cfg that came with this new Vlad C123 model sucks to high heavens, Sorry Vlad!:), but I tweaked till the cows come home trying to get the plane anywhere near what seemed like real flight characteristics.

Oh and on another note, it sure would be nice if anyone knows how to eliminate the lights/furniture. My FS9 on Windows 7 platform hates lights turned on on planes which causes much noticable frame rate hits on flybys.
On this and the AN2, while the "L" key switches on the lights at the same time as animating chocks, you can switch them off in the 2D panel.