Updated C-1323k by V. Zhigulskiy at A VSIMRUS.com

On this and the AN2, while the "L" key switches on the lights at the same time as animating chocks, you can switch them off in the 2D panel.

Thanks Wing, that is much better! And looks like it is specifically tied to the "beacon" switch too.
Then this is an FSX concern apparently. Thanks!!:salute:

FSX is using the sound.cfg differently it seems. We had the same question come up with out Lockheed Constellation packs when they were used in FSX. I don't recall which individual .wav file it was that caused it, but it should be easy to find if you simply open the sound folder and then play the individual files outside of FSX. Remove the offending one and you should be all set.

Alternatively you could try the sound folder from another similarly engined aircraft and swap folder for folder and test again.

"Alright, I'm not gonna die dropping pigs from the sky! Not gonna happen!" - Billy Covington (Robert Downy Jr), "Air America" 1990.

Thanks for the HU on the new model.
I got the movie on DVD and now recall what the hogs were all about.
Looking at a very young Robert Downey Jr and Mel Gibson, I see this was 20 years ago, so I can excuse myself for forgetting.
WOw what crazy times...