Upgrade and Move News and Issues

I really wish that we had a button at the top of every page to take you down to the bottom of that page, and one at the bottom to take you to the top of that page . . .
I really wish that we had a button at the top of every page to take you down to the bottom of that page, and one at the bottom to take you to the top of that page . . .
Click your mouse wheel - this creates a circle icon with an up and down arrow. Move your cursor to the bottom of screen to fast scroll to the bottom of the page, or to the top of screen to scroll to top of the page. Click your mouse wheel again to toggle fast scroll off again.
An interesting function in the forums is if a member has been off line more than 180 days the will not show up in the search list when you @mention them. I found a way around it but we are looking for another path to fix that issue. It is hard coded in the software/database.
@ rohan,
I know there is the little blue "up arrow" that shows up on the bottom right when you get your mouse in "just the right spot" sometimes.....
I'm on Microsoft Windows 11, Microsoft Edge browser, SOH Original Wide style for the forum.

Screenshot (466).png

Screenshot (467).png

- Don
Very minor issue, but the old code for the emotes does not appear to work.

Otherwise, I am past the learning curve! Hahaha!
The old emotes are coming. The import failed with an error message. I didn't get the message before it disappeared. I think the names conflict with existing emote names. If that's so that's easy to change. I should have that fixed tomorrow evening.
Dave, can the time zone be changed for each user's local time? I'm not showing Australian Eastern Standard Time.
Not like you have enough to do already with the change, but I think a "Mark All Read" option at the top of the forum could be useful as well, instead of sorting through each sub category to mark them read.

Thanks for considering.
Not like you have enough to do already with the change, but I think a "Mark All Read" option at the top of the forum could be useful as well, instead of sorting through each sub category to mark them read.

Thanks for considering.
Ted if you go to the root 'Forums' page (i.e. Home>Forums at the top of this page) there is a 'button' on the top banner that says 'Mark forums read'. If you click on that you will get a pop-up box that asks you if you really want to mark ALL forums read. If you really want to mark ALL forums as read click the button at the bottom of the box. I have not done it myself as I don't want to mark all read (yet) but I am guessing that will do what you want it to do! ;)
Like Tako_Kichi says but with illustrations

Let me know if you don't see that, that means I got another permission to ferret out.

BTW I like how I can do a snip with Snipping tool and just paste into the post. No need to create an image just to attach it.


My apologies for the spam. It's right where Tako said it was supposed to be.
I wonder why I didn't see it before?!!?

I just noticed there is a difference in displays between mobile, and desktop settings on my android phone. If I am in mobile the full ribbon/banner does not display in portrait mode, but in desktop display and in landscape the banner/ribbon works fine. </edit>

<edit 2>
The banner/ribbon displays in both mobile and desktop in the landscape mode. </edit 2>
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New isssue just discovered a few hours ago. Since this is a new server and new domain some emails are getting blocked because we have a low reputation. I opened a ticket with Spamhouse.org to get it cleared. Right now members with hotmail, msn, outlook, and other accounts are not going to get emails from us. I will let you know when it is cleared.
Just for reference Dave my emails are coming in just fine to an ISP provided address and read with Mozilla Thunderbird.

I had an issue with Gmail also but that one I fixed this weekend. That was easy I forgot to create a few email records.
Spamhouse.org has removed us from the list. I am going to have to make a few changes to the site related to email addresses. Look for an announcement about that tonight/tomorrow.
Dave, earlier tonight I was able to amend a couple of resources by uploading a new zip file. I can't see that option now when I select edit.