Keep an eye out for various style changes. What you see today might not be the same tomorrow.
Click your mouse wheel - this creates a circle icon with an up and down arrow. Move your cursor to the bottom of screen to fast scroll to the bottom of the page, or to the top of screen to scroll to top of the page. Click your mouse wheel again to toggle fast scroll off again.I really wish that we had a button at the top of every page to take you down to the bottom of that page, and one at the bottom to take you to the top of that page . . .
Ted if you go to the root 'Forums' page (i.e. Home>Forums at the top of this page) there is a 'button' on the top banner that says 'Mark forums read'. If you click on that you will get a pop-up box that asks you if you really want to mark ALL forums read. If you really want to mark ALL forums as read click the button at the bottom of the box. I have not done it myself as I don't want to mark all read (yet) but I am guessing that will do what you want it to do!Not like you have enough to do already with the change, but I think a "Mark All Read" option at the top of the forum could be useful as well, instead of sorting through each sub category to mark them read.
Thanks for considering.