Virtavia: More older Alphasim titles to be released as freeware

Donation drives

SOH Bandwidth Drive 2025

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Great stuff Virtavia, thanks alot, id recomend the Vulcan, bought that when it first came out and it oftern gets flown.
Im hoping SteveB's got room in his paint shed for that Mig 23
Cheers ian
Great stuff Virtavia, thanks alot, id recomend the Vulcan, bought that when it first came out and it oftern gets flown.
Im hoping SteveB's got room in his paint shed for that Mig 23
Cheers ian

Michael Pearson did a load of Flogger paints, for this model, Itosan's and the Iris MiG-27; about 8 pages worth at Avsim.
Found a repaint pack for the Arrow over at Avsim by Pierre Lheureux; two real and five fictional RCAF paints, and also two paints for the Ekranoplan.

For every three freeware they give up, I always try and pick up a payware from them. After getting the Skyray and the Neptune for Christmas, I'm going to have to look and see what else tickles my fancy.

I know what you mean. I bought the Neptune and Sea Vixen during that sale thay had over Christmas.

Looking forward to grabbing the Vulcan and Lysander.
Still hoping that Virtavia will make their FS9 F-8E Crusader available again. Freeware is nice but payware's OK too, I don't care. I didn't have FS9 when they released it and when I finally got it the 'Sader was off the market.
I think that deserves a massive thanks

Alphasim has always been 'my payware brand' and the Vulcan was the first aircraft that I ever bought, it's almost a shame to see it retired

Thanks again chaps

Great stuff Virtavia, thanks alot, id recomend the Vulcan, bought that when it first came out and it oftern gets flown.
Im hoping SteveB's got room in his paint shed for that Mig 23
Cheers ian

I have a number of skins i painted for this model, and a load more part done, but it will be many weeks befor I can upload them.

The Lysander is a nice aircraft too:



And this Ekranoplan isn't bad either!



Fictional japanese LUN:


Reworked Russian paint and japanese paint by Pierre Lheureux.
Heres a few screenies of what is in the pipeline. they all need a couple of bits doing too them.

Looking good, so far, Steve. There really isn't a whole lot out there for this plane and your work has always been exceptional when it comes to repaints.

As always, I will patiently await the finished results.

Many Thanks to Virtavia. Nice Lysander! What fun. I do have a question about the flaps. Can they be operated indepenently from the leading edge slats?
Thanks Virtavia for the Lysander :applause: :applause:

A great aircraft and extremely suited for the bush strips of the Pacific Northwest. :jump:

The auto flaps got me until I realised what was happening :icon_lol:

Is there anyway to manually operate the flaps ?

Just saw a thread over at CalClassics about the B-36 and how most of the files got trashed in the Avsim hack.
Apparently they don't plan anything for FS9 but are hinting at an FSX revival, which is too bad for us CPU challenged.

So I wondered if anyone has their B-36, and whether Virtavia/Avsim would object to its being made available here?

Everyone should have a B-36, after all.

I hope no one got the idea that I am suggesting a rip off here; I wouldn't have anyone violate the rights of the already generous folks over at Virtavia, and would only expect an upload here with their permission. It is also only the FS9 version I'm suggesting, since Virtavia is only showing interest in FSX.

I didn't take it that way. Your articulation was fine. I've got the B-36 and if Virtavia is so disposed, I'm sure that we can work something out. The B-36B and H models have been great fun for several years now. It's a shame their files were damaged.

I remember seeing the B-36 that Alpha did a few years back... I always pictured "The Flying Cigar" with the 2 outboard twin jet engines and don't remember seeing the variant in Jagd's piccie. When I was a kid I had an uncle who lived over by Lowry Air Force Base in Denver, Colorado. I believe Lowry was one of several AFB's that were equipped to handle the early B-36's that had one very large wheel on each main gear... not the bogied main gear on later variants. At any rate... the noise from one of those things literally shook your innards if you were close to it, to any degree.

Kelly, I didn't take it that way. Your articulation was fine. I've got the B-36 and if Virtavia is so disposed, I'm sure that we can work something out. The B-36B and H models have been great fun for several years now. It's a shame their files were damaged.
Thanks. I'll be truly interested in seeing if it can be done. And yes, it is a shame when the hackers destroy something just because they can. Really makes you want to get your horsewhip out.
Thanks. I'll be truly interested in seeing if it can be done. And yes, it is a shame when the hackers destroy something just because they can. Really makes you want to get your horsewhip out.

Don't forget folks, there is another B-36 available, from a certain Japanese gentleman. :salute: