Virtavia: More older Alphasim titles to be released as freeware

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Can it be confirmed that this was a legit release of their payware Caribou as freeware?

A definate NO from here!
look at Simmarket it is still listed under Virtavia

this is an ILLEGAL upload look in the readme the uploader do not even changed the copyright message


These files are a commercial product and should NOT be treated as freeware.
These files may not be copied (other than for backup purposes), transmitted or passed to third parties or altered in any way without the prior permission of the publisher. Any breach of the aforementioned copyright will result in the full force of law being brought to bear on those responsible.

All rights reserved - AlphaSim 2006

best regards
There are people looking into this, who have connections with Alphasim/Virtavia as we speak. The guy who uploaded the file to Flightsim put his name on the posting, which is strange... I hope it is just an honest mistake on his part and not malicious in any way. I'm a bit surprised that the admins at Flightsim didn't catch it.

There are people looking into this, who have connections with Alphasim/Virtavia as we speak. The guy who uploaded the file to Flightsim put his name on the posting, which is strange... I hope it is just an honest mistake on his part and not malicious in any way. I'm a bit surprised that the admins at Flightsim didn't catch it.


I also Surprised that it was not caught and removed
since I have informed them about the file yesterday evening in an mail send from my iPad

I dont think that the uploader uses his real name!

Best Regards
I also emailed them this morning and got a response that they removed the file.

When I had firsted emailed I recieved an automated notice to confim that my email wasn't spam. Then recevied the email stating it would be removed right away. I thought the webmaster responded quickly to my email.

This is news to me(unless I'm late to the party),Alphasim has set free a couple of swingers,F-111 and B-1B.:salute:
I just checked the Alphasim/Virtavia freeware page...and the B-1-B and the F-111 are both on there. Yahoooo! Finally get to fly two of the sexiest jet planes ever built.

Good thing I bought the B-1B a couple months ago! :banghead: :bump:

I don't mind though. I have also taken alot of freeware from them.
I've had the F-111 for a long time but the Bone is new to me! Great fun! :applause:

Desert scheme by Frank Safranek:





Stacks of repaints for the Aardvark over at Flightsim; search "Barry Magann" or "Karol Chlebowski"for Aussie repaints, and good ol' Zsolt (Beleznay) for a very nice 48 TFW repaint.

Also check out (also by Karol Chlebowski) for a totally amazing cockpit upgrade and by Christoffer Petersen for an amazing soundset; I know it is for the later engine type used by the Tomcat, but it seemed appropriate & definitely adds to the experience. :jump:

The F-111 is a blast, im really loving this beast, thanks Virtavia guys :icon29:
on top of Andys recommendations, Gregory Paul's done quite a few Upper Heyford repaints which ive installed already and i really like.
cheers ian
There is also a panel upgrade for both FS9 and FSX versions of the F-111 By Alphasim, called "Pig Hud Project". It gives you a very immersive 2D and VC as well as "shootable" missiles, drop-able bombs...etc. Effects included in the package as well as sounds. Just search "pig hud" over at Flightsim, there are several versions for each sim.

BTW, Barry Magann's repaints for the F-111 are excellent, IMO.

Good thing I bought the B-1B a couple months ago! :banghead: :bump:

I don't mind though. I have also taken alot of freeware from them.

<sigh> Yeah, this.

If you don't have them, I recommend picking up the MAIW B-1 AI packages (Dyess and Elsworth). Give your Bone some playmates.
I'm glad they included the "Sar of Abilene." I used to watch that one fly when I was there. She was the first operational bird delivered, but now she's a gate guard at Dyess.