Waco YMF-5

Tom Clayton

Staff member
Looks like Carenado snuck one in on us - or at least me. I haven't heard anything about this release, and it isn't even on their website. The screenshots in the Marketplace look sweet, and at only half the price of the rest of their stuff, I might just be persuaded to get this one.


  • Microsoft Flight Simulator Screenshot 2021.01.14 -
    Microsoft Flight Simulator Screenshot 2021.01.14 -
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thanks for the HU - had to have it in this sim because it was one of my regulars in FSX. WOW does it look good in MSFS
It also helps to be on the inside track for Carenado as all systems appear to function properly - including elevator trim.
Seems the soundtrack is also improved over previous FSX release - just throttle back to around 30% as you descend to pattern altitude and listen to that heavy wooden prop saw through the air...

Picked it it and love it. A bargain for the price! I was going to comment on the sound too; really nice radial sound. Flies great too!




This should make a great sight-seeing ride. I had it in P3D V4. Never could get the textures to work in V5, however. A bit of open cockpit luxury.
Anyone else finding it a bit squirrely on the rudder pedals during takeoff? Wasn't really having a lot of trouble the first time I flew her, but went up again in VR and ended up off the runway a few times.
There is a tailwheel lock just above the trimwheel. The clickspot is only for the trimwheel so you have to use the keyboard command or map it to your JS
The lock lever is there but it is not animated - however the tailwheel DOES lock.
’shift-G’ is the default KB command but the only way to tell if the tailwheel is locked or free is by taxiing.
The lock lever is there but it is not animated - however the tailwheel DOES lock.
’shift-G’ is the default KB command but the only way to tell if the tailwheel is locked or free is by taxiing.
I have NOT squawked Carenado on this error yet but somebody should I guess
Have no doubts, this is a masterpiece, tricky on that tailweel lock. but attention to detail is really super. Sounds too, are superb, listen to that star/stop engines sequence...really one of the best I´ve ever bought. Wish all future offers have a similar quality and price. Congratulations Carenado...
Yes, swinging and swaying all over the place like a drunken duck but Take-Off tip from Avsim flyer will help:

No wind!

1. Tail wheel locked (assign key for it there is no click spot in waco)

2. Controls all way aft (to your belly)

3. Gradually apply power, slowly dance on rudder

4. At around 50 mph eas up stick to neutral (at this speed rudder become more or less efficient), gently apply rudder to compensate gyroscopic precession and tail lift.

5. As tail lift slowly bring stick aft and you are airborne!

May also help to set trim nose-up all the way. ( then stick neutral)
Yes, swinging and swaying all over the place like a drunken duck but Take-Off tip from Avsim flyer will help:

No wind!

1. Tail wheel locked (assign key for it there is no click spot in waco)

2. Controls all way aft (to your belly)

3. Gradually apply power, slowly dance on rudder

4. At around 50 mph eas up stick to neutral (at this speed rudder become more or less efficient), gently apply rudder to compensate gyroscopic precession and tail lift.

5. As tail lift slowly bring stick aft and you are airborne!

May also help to set trim nose-up all the way. ( then stick neutral)

Thanks Javis, helps a lot. If this is like it was in real life take offs will be very dangerous. Crashed a lot of times but getting the hand of it. Anyway think this swinging and swaying is too much. And after several go arounds never sure about tail wheel lock or not. Brakes are too sensitive. Even almost stopped you'll flip over... but is a beauty.

GAS is supposedly bringing their Stearmans to MSFS. My preference will be to wait for GAS over Carenado. I consider Carenado in it for the money, and GAS for the art. Just my opinion.