May I ask, as I was AIMD Avionics myself, were you O or I level AVI? And what shop? Just being nosey, is all. I was WC 630, I level Radar for the F-4's.
Thanks, Pat! And that is a fun question when it comes to my experience.
Started I-Level in a 64B shop in Spain supporting EP-3s. This work center fixed all kinds of stuff - radios, radars, direction finding stuff, digital audio recorders, reel-to-reel recorders, and anything that wasn't a "com radio", crypto, or weather radar. In other words, almost everything from the cockpit firewall to the back end. Fantastic opportunity for me in terms of learning and repairing all kinds of electronics.
Then wound up I-level on the USS Inchon when it was a Mine Countermeasures Command and Control Ship supporting minesweeping MH-53s. Wound up learning how to repair towed sonar arrays, com radios, radar altimeters, and ICS. In other words, everything I hadn't learned in Spain. WCs 74C, 610, and 690. Shore duty followed with nothing new...
Off to I-level on the Truman now supporting the F-14s on their last Gulf deployment, F-18s, E-2s, S-3s, H-60s and anything else that landed on our ship and needed help. Again - 610/690 with QA thrown in.
Last real electronics job was 2nd to last tour where I as an O-level guy at an E-2 squadron. (W/C 210) Thankfully, proving I could fix stuff didn't take long that's to all the earlier experience, because those O-level dudes really did not like having an I-level dude as their boss... until I could fix stuff quicker than most of them.
Could have done without the 690 (2M stuff), but overall lots of experience in different areas.