What have you Gentlemen...Grumman Trader anyone?

I might, but I have another project up my sleeve first!
It's very tempting, and I'd love to work on it when the time is right.
I'll start by takeing the pictures with Ferror, and some measurements.

Cheers, Rob

That sounds great! BTW, I won't be able to start on it for awhile either. And, if you would prefer to do the exterior and interior yourself, I will share all my research and manuals with you to help out. Otherwise, I would be honored to work with you. :jump:
Engineering Drawings

Does anyone have access to some dimensional drawings for the Tracker/Trader? I am mainly concerned with the fuselage shapes and dimensions. Just not happy with the very nice 3-views I have.
Hi Milton,

Glad to see this is still on your to-do list.

Sorry I can't offer any help except for this bump to keep the thread up in hopes someone who can help will see it.
One of the most detailed and difficult things for me to do is to get the fuselage and "face" correct as that is the true identity of the aircraft. Although I have fairly nice 3-views to work from, scaling them up then trying to get the fuselage shape, width, height exactly right is nothing more than the artist's eye at work when one has no dimensions or engineering drawings to validate the results.

I have begun putting the "jig" together but so far am unhappy with the "blind" challenge of guessing. It would be helpful to have a few interior width dimensions at key points to put me in the ball park. Those scaled-up drawing lines get to be 4 inches thick at full scale.
Thanks JDT. Some of that is new to me and can be helpful.

I am still looking for dimensions, mainly for the fuselage.

Thank you very much.
I don't think I will ever upgrade from FS2004 as they are on my sim, loads of aeroplanes that have flown and loved in the real world, including Dave Molyneaux's Austers, Rick Piper's Chipmunk, the Eurostar and on and on.......

As to a wish list, well one is coming off soon in the form of Keith Paine's Piston Provost, but if I did have a wish, would be for the Boulton Paul Balliol and the Pilatus P2.

As to the Grumman Tracker/Trader effort, a few weeks ago I went into a local secondhand bookshop and bought a number of Squadron Signal profiles, including one on the Tracker family. Its only going to gather dust on my bookshelf, so looks now if it needs a good home to go too. If Milton would like it, please by all means PM me and I'll pop it into the post.


As to a wish list, well one is coming off soon in the form of Keith Paine's Piston Provost, but if I did have a wish, would be for the Boulton Paul Balliol .....

Itosan modelled the Balliol (well, the Sea Balliol) and there is a Balliol repaint by UKMIL, all over at Flightsim; guess the FDE will need changing though.
Itosan modelled the Balliol (well, the Sea Balliol) and there is a Balliol repaint by UKMIL, all over at Flightsim; guess the FDE will need changing though.

I supplied Kazunori with all of the Balliol information together with details for a few others including the Auster AOP9, which has since been modelled by Dave Molyneaux. For some reason, since a little kid the Balliol has always appealed to me. Don't know why, just has and such a shame that there is only the Sea Balliol at Cosford and two airframes left in Sri Lanka. Presume now would make a good warbird trainer with its side by side seating and Merlin engine.

Vickers Windsor sounds tempting. I did send Mr.Ito the plans, but sadly the project wasnt started.

Does anyone have access to some dimensional drawings for the Tracker/Trader? I am mainly concerned with the fuselage shapes and dimensions. Just not happy with the very nice 3-views I have.

LOL! Holy roller coasters...Here we go again...'Cackety-clack, clackety-clack, Dounga-dounga, dounga-dounga...' (icon:just better ask my shrink first...Heh! where's he gone...Milton! Where are you doc?:icon)
LOL! Holy roller coasters...Here we go again...'Cackety-clack, clackety-clack, Dounga-dounga, dounga-dounga...' (icon:just better ask my shrink first...Heh! where's he gone...Milton! Where are you doc?:icon)

Well, I am here although not as often as I was. Just spent the last few months preparing for, and implementing job retirement plans. Mostly now done and planning some travels.

I have tried to get excited by this project but the lack of good fuselage dimensional data means a long struggle to get the fuselage right. So, I am still looking and gathering, familiarizing and discerning, and hopefully can get prepared for a Fall/Winter project.

With the many variations in the S2F-1, -2, -3, and C-1A, and E-1B, a strategy needs to evolve.

Meanwhile, as an SOH project, I would ask you to take care of sounds, PRB to handle the panel and gauges, Smoothie to head up the primary textures, maybe ROBCAP to do the VC if interested, and hopefully Fliger to lend his expertise on the flight model.

Obviously, I am open to any help with any aspect if SOH members wish to jump in.

I will commit to at least one exterior model for now, maybe a few variants, but would be willing to share completed gmax source with anyone wishing to contribute.

Meanwhile, if anyone has access to one of the variants, I would love to have some interior fuselage width and height measurements at key points.
... snipped...

As to the Grumman Tracker/Trader effort, a few weeks ago I went into a local secondhand bookshop and bought a number of Squadron Signal profiles, including one on the Tracker family. Its only going to gather dust on my bookshelf, so looks now if it needs a good home to go too. If Milton would like it, please by all means PM me and I'll pop it into the post.



Martin, thank you for your very kind offer. I suspect this book would be most helpful to repainters. If you agree, maybe you could make some of its contents available in the project thread once we get a launch. Thanks :applause: