What have you Gentlemen...Grumman Trader anyone?

This shows why engineering drawings and dimensions or access to the real aircraft is helpful.

This graphic is of a scaled drawing resized in gmax to real world so that the fuselage can be shaped. The width of the lines is 4 inches (between the red marks). So, side to side one could be off up to 8 inches.

Anyhow, I have started building fuselage of the S2F-3 (longer than the S2F-1 & 2). The same fuselage will be used as the basis for the C-1A and the E-1B.

I will start a new thread for the project.
Having just taken my son to the Naval Aviation Museum a couple of weeks ago, I'd LOVE a TRACKER/TRADER/WILLY FUDD!!!

Marc Burcham:salute::salute::salute: