You can use a low power setting and a long groundroll, and you'll still get it at 40 knots. As YoYo notes above, it's the result of the rudder suddenly going from zero to 100 percent effectiveness at that speed.
This is correct and can be adjusted in the flight_model.cfg [CONTACT_POINTS], for example here's the Savage Cub:
max_speed_full_steering = 10 ; Defines the speed under which the full angle of steering is available (in feet/second).
max_speed_decreasing_steering = 20 ; Defines the speed above which the angle of steering stops decreasing (in feet/second).
Put a 1 in front of each those numbers and note the difference on take-off:
max_speed_full_steering = 110 ; Defines the speed under which the full angle of steering is available (in feet/second).
max_speed_decreasing_steering = 120 ; Defines the speed above which the angle of steering stops decreasing (in feet/second).