I remain agnostic as to whether it is sudden rudder authority or something else that kicks in at 40 kts and induces the veer. To me it is just an "invisible hand." It does not act like it is related to power setting, to rudder deflection, or to wind.
I think the "invisible hand" can only be the tailwheel steering effectiveness. I misunderstood the contact points definitions earlier and your interpretation is correct - the longer the tailwheel is in contact with the ground, the more steering control you should have, but the max_speed_full_steering and max_speed_decreasing_steering figures are incorrect for taildraggers and that's why we get the "invisible hand" causing uncontrollable veering off the runway.
So what I've actually changed in my settings is that the tailwheel stays at maximum effectiveness until the tail lifts and the sim responds fully to rudder input for steering/yaw control.