Reminds me of a play by Samuel Beckett.
:costumes: Hopefully not.... If I remember correctly, those two guys are still waiting!
Reminds me of a play by Samuel Beckett.
Hey, WomenFly2,
nice to see that gig. I'm not generally a Smith's fan, but this song is okay.
"Fridaymood Trolls" - good name for a band. Who joins? I'll play the drums!
Hey, Dutch, why don't you just try and have some fun 'round here? We're ALL waiting for P3. EVERY DAY we check the Forum SEVERAL TIMES for announcements. But what would it help to promise you a fixed date, when in the end the deliverers wouldn't match it exactly. So what should the dev's say? They promised already, that you'll have it soon (so, we're back to the Smiths song).
Cheer up, and have a good 2009; Olham
Reminds me of a play by Samuel Beckett.
"Is it here?"
"Will be soon"
Now I might be wrong because it's a long time since I read 'Waiting for Godot' but I seem to recall that he never actually shows up...and I'm certainly not going to consider hanging...for the vicarious thrill that Vladimir and Estragon discuss.
There! I've proved my literary credentials so now I'll be quiet.
your first track reminded me of Peter Green's floating blues style.
We did have a schedule, of course. It didn't happen as it should due to Christmas holidays, postal delays, and other unforseen circumstances.
The Christmas holidays and the associated postal delays were an unforseen circumstance?????
More like your distributor sold you a bill of goods. I'd wager the OFF team could have burned and hand mailed copies to everyone on the pre-order list by now. Of course I can understand why you wouldn't want to take on that burden. And it's a mute point now as the original pre-order list is lost in cyberspace somewhere.
The Christmas holidays and the associated postal delays were an unforseen circumstance?????
More like your distributor sold you a bill of goods. I'd wager the OFF team could have burned and hand mailed copies to everyone on the pre-order list by now. Of course I can understand why you wouldn't want to take on that burden. And it's a mute point now as the original pre-order list is lost in cyberspace somewhere.
Hmm editing seems to make extra posts - maybe I can get my post count up faster now...