An appeal to restrict critical feedback in the name of “fairness” to the developer. God forbid potential customers know about issues and even perceptions.
An appeal to the “it’s art” argument that beautifully handwaves all concerns. I’ve seen it before, usually by devs who then go under because they build to past standards and not present standards. We will see it again.
An appeal in favor of FB fan pages rather than support forums for reasons beyond me.
An appeal to the casual gamers who may not know any better. Gosh, I know Captain Sim did well with their exterior only C-130. All devs should do more of that. Easier and makes probably just as much $$$.
And finally and most importantly…an observation…that a lot of developers don’t have a pragmatic, methodical testing regimen. A little different than the overall quality/polish concern. They send their models to friends and family, tell them to fly it around and say how great it is, and then play catch up with bugs later (if at all). Not very good software engineering if you ask me.
If AH advertised their products as artistic reinterpretations of aircraft subjects, with liberties taken, fine. I don’t see that though. More concerning is that I don’t see them (or others) learning or wanting to learn from the same type of bug reports that are received after consecutive product releases, as well as the same “fit and finish” concerns regarding textures and build quality. If their (or anyone’s) skill set isn’t up to snuff and they would prefer to cater to the cheap and cheerful market in terms of fit and finish, that’s one thing, but repeatedly making errors of accuracy and issuing out aircraft with bugs discovered by users after 5 minutes of use is another. Of course, one can say that it’s art from a well respected developer, and invalidate all concerns.
From a proud user of aircraft from across the “realism” spectrum, from Carenado’s aircraft, to inibuilds, to BigRadials, Bluemesh, PMDG, JustFlight, and Milviz/Blackbird, among others. By the way, all of these named devs have been lovely about bug reports, critical reviews, and even shot in the dark suggestions. Yet another developer that I will not name but whose products I enjoy even admitted that they are a one person show and they have decided to sacrifice capability, realism, and some polish on their aircraft in order to push to market because they can safely lower their standards and effort while making more money.
Hey, an admission of tactics goes a long way…
Update: more users on the official forums expressing distaste with the textures. Who cares though right? It’ll still sell to the masses who don’t use the forums.