Negative comments in and of themselves will rarely get a thread closed. It's the way they're presented. Without naming names (mostly because I don't remember and don't feel like going back through the entire thread and/or several others), here are a few generic examples of things that will eventually get a thread closed:
Saying something is crap, especially without offering a way to correct it.
Demanding A2A/PMDG quality on a model with a much lower price point.
Personal attacks.
Airing out dirty laundry in public.
And one thing that is always welcome - constructive criticism, especially if you've already identified a potential fix.
A few things to think about...
Should I really expect 4K ultra-detailed textures, jillion-polygon parts in the far back of the cabin, and a flushing toilet in the lav on a model that's only $9.99?
Before bashing the sounds, have you ever heard the real plane in-person and up-close? Hint - YouTube does NOT count.
Before you say the flight dynamics are off, have you flown one? Yes, I know there are pilots here, and their opinions DO count when they have stick time in the same type. But an arm-chair pilot doesn't get to say something's not "believable" about an addon developed by a team led by someone that actually owns and flies the type they're offering, of have recruited actual pilots that have flown them.
Now... With all that said, if a developer makes a claim that doesn't hold up in the release, then you do have a right to bring it up. But remember - keep it constructive, and if at all possible, propose a way to fix the issue. A missed claim still doesn't give you the right to toss manners and courtesy out the window.