Arg, as a fan of WWI flight sims, it's frustrating to see this thread degenerate into what it's become.
Nonetheless, none of us have actually played the released version of RoF. I have however been keeping track of the progress of the game each step of the way, as can be seen in the archive of news updates on my website. I even had the opportunity to interview them last December:
They have given out a LOT of information about what the game is all about, and there's some things going around here that flatly contradict what they've said in interviews and on their website blog. So I want to clear that up
Misunderstanding #1: RoF will be multiplayer-only.
Anyone who claims this should visit RoF's website and click on "Game Info", which reads: "«Career» mode - generated missions on the basis of the historical data about actions of the aviation in 1917-1918. Users can choose a plane type, a regiment and a date with which they wishes to begin their career."
Also note that RoF will come with a mission editor. This is the closest we've come to it (photo from a Russian squad's visit to the neoqb offices):
Misunderstanding #2: RoF will not be moddable
I was concerned about this as well, so I asked them directly in my interview: (scroll to my question "Will users be free to create their own mods (aircraft, scenery, etc.), or would this conflict with the pay-to-play downloadable content?")
Misunderstanding #3: To fly RoF online, you may have to pay a monthly subscription.
Although you will have to log in to their servers through the game even to play single player, they have stated explicitly that you won't have to make extra payments for this. The only thing you will have to pay for after the game release are additional aircraft, which are said to be released every month or so. You can choose not to pay for these additional aircraft, then you will still be able to see them in the multiplayer skies, you just won't be able to fly them yourself.
Anyhow, all this being said, there will definitely be some things that disappoint. This is true for anything that's released. One of the true criticisms here is that RoF will not have any early-war aircraft upon release. But there's nothing to stop modders from creating their own aircraft! The developers are wide open to user mods, and users even profiting from their own mods (as they said in my interview with them)!