yet another bouncer

Cess, just out of curiosity, what browser are you using? I'm on IE10 and I get a zip file just by clicking the links.

Tom, don't know what Cees is on, but I'm on IE11, Win7 64 Home, and I get "php" extensions for all "zip" file downloads posted in a forum thread like the one's Milton posted here. I think it may have something to do with the way IE11 interacts with this forum. I don't have this issue when downloading from the library or from any other web site or repository.

Here's what happens: I click on either of the attached zip files (ie "") I get the standard "save" file scrip but the file's "save" name is "attachment.php". The file will download with contents intact as is, but to open the file you must change the extension to zip. A couple of options are:

1. Just save as is then change the extension to zip, open the zip and all contents are there.

2. To preserve the original zip file name you can do a "save as" and change the name of the download file to match the actual file name with results the same as no1.
Tom, don't know what Cees is on, but I'm on IE11, Win7 64 Home, and I get "php" extensions for all "zip" file downloads posted in a forum thread like the one's Milton posted here.

Same here (although I use W7 Premium). I usually just copy the link address and downloaded it in Chrome, but it is moderately annoying.
Thanks. I had a feeling it might be an IE11 issue. I haven't tried it yet, but I have a feeling that using Chrome or Firefox might get the downloads correctly, but I like using IE for forums.
Been away to Antwerp for a couple of days! Hence my 'radio silence'!:running:

I use IE11 as Tom presumed.

