F7F Tigercat SOH Project

There going to be a firefighting version by chance? I know its late but i am expressing interest in a firefighting version now since i saw the photos.
Milton, my sincere apologies. I did not intend to correct your spelling. Heck, I am not qualified to correct anything of yours, the least of which would be your spelling of “menace”. I didn't even notice that the word was miss-spelled in the first place, in your post. My point was to acknowledge the humor in referring to the RTW Race as a menace, which it surely is! I just banged out that response, and, by some accident of nature, managed to spell menace correctly in the process (I think) ...

Actually it was your response that made me notice that spelling error. I am usually a decent speller but I forget to go back and check sometimes. No problems here Paul. :)
There going to be a firefighting version by chance? I know its late but i am expressing interest in a firefighting version now since i saw the photos.

Don't know what will be in a final package, and if it were, not very functional regarding its purpose. With 4 variants going now, we must wait to see what comes. Cockpits will be the same for all versions. Mapping becomes an issue with all the variants but ... I'm not saying no at this point.
Don't know what will be in a final package, and if it were, not very functional regarding its purpose. With 4 variants going now, we must wait to see what comes. Cockpits will be the same for all versions. Mapping becomes an issue with all the variants but ... I'm not saying no at this point.
Sweet, then i look forward to the future.
Incredible job as usual Milton!!


Thanks to all of you for youir interest and comments through this phase of the project. I am pretty well wrapped up on the exterior models at this point. The remaining items cannot be done until the interior model is defined and shared items can be pulled back out to the exterior model. Also I must wait to see how he wishes to do the VC panel before I can solicit help in doing the panel and gauges. (Sorry I cannot mention who "he" is just yet; I will leave that to him).

Likewise, I cannot map the exterior as he wishes to do that for best results for both FSX (to minimize draw calls) and FS9. So at the moment-and until the end of June-we are on hold.

Meanwhile I am jumping back into the AT-11 to finish her up and try to be available if needed after the next phase starts.

I believe Ickie will move this thread to the new SOH F7F Tigercat sub-forum as was done with the A-26. With that we will be ready to make a run down the backstretch and then onto the homestretch. :jump:
Half of June has already passed, so it's not that long of a wait to see the project advance to its next phase. Great work, Milton!
Flight handbook in hand, making adjustments and tuning of the dash one model. Starting out in FSX as it does have WEP available in the sim without gaugeology. 394 mph right at SL, a pretty fast plane even down low. Almost not worth climbing for a shorter RTW leg.

Cheers: T
Flight handbook in hand, making adjustments and tuning of the dash one model. Starting out in FSX as it does have WEP available in the sim without gaugeology. 394 mph right at SL, a pretty fast plane even down low. Almost not worth climbing for a shorter RTW leg.

Cheers: T

WhooooHooooo! LOL That's faster than a Chevrolet! I love how she flies and handles Tom. Great job so far. :applause:
WhooooHooooo! LOL That's faster than a Chevrolet! I love how she flies and handles Tom. Great job so far. :applause:

we're sitting here chomping at the bit and, and, and....
now, that's just plain mean.

just kidding, Milton, honest.
great to see that she is coming together nicely.
just wanted to post a few more airtanker shots....they are not mine..i found them on the web..i have many i took back in the day,but i dont have a scanner....
just wanted to post a few more airtanker shots....they are not mine..i found them on the web..i have many i took back in the day,but i dont have a scanner....

Thanks Dave. That will be helpful as billbjcook is working on a tanker variant. :applause:

Most places can now scan pictures to a CD, DVD, or USB drive pretty cheaply if you have access to that.
Thanks Dave. That will be helpful as billbjcook is working on a tanker variant. :applause:

Most places can now scan pictures to a CD, DVD, or USB drive pretty cheaply if you have access to that.
Tell Mr. billbjcook thank you! also Milton, thank you so much for this wonderful aircraft!
Sorry if ive totally missed it said in this thread as ive only just really took any notice but just wondered if there'll be any LOD models in the build at all

The A-26 was brilliant but did give my PC a kickin when running FRAPS :salute:

Sorry if ive totally missed it said in this thread as ive only just really took any notice but just wondered if there'll be any LOD models in the build at all

The A-26 was brilliant but did give my PC a kickin when running FRAPS :salute:



Frankly I have never built LOD models and will likely not for this project. However, I am open to anyone else adding them either during or after the project. The gmax source will be available after the project is completed.

My part in this is the exterior models and I am open to anyone embellishing them afterwards.

As you likely know, the LOD's add lots of hours to develop lower poly versions from scratch of the major parts, and mapping has to be redone for them to fit the original model's maps. An alternative for you may be to run mipmaps with your textures.
Milton, and to think, many weeks ago you pondered if there was any interest in this aircraft being done for FS.

I think you have gotten your answer by now! So thrilled your are developing this Tigercat project! Mike :salute:
Thanks for all the interest in tin the fire tankers. Bill Cook developed a tank to get his started and after doing more research, there are quite a few variants out there. Ang if you look hard enough, lots of pictures and repaint possibilities. This is the wider tank that was used. If the interest is there, we may also do the round tank. Now I must see if I can get Roland to do some effects for this. :jump: