Milton's Howard 500 a fresh look!

A few of the images are popping through for me - eg at post #272. Think when there is inactivity the web site may drop space hogging pictures (?). Hopefully nothing more than that . .
Haven't seen anything over at the Dark Side forum either from TuFun.... he seems to have just popped into thin ar at this point..:pop4: Hopefully it's just a short delay, maybe he needs to get a few things sorted.

It seems he (along with 99.99% of us) was rather pissed over a thread, now deleted, criticising members who were unable to donate to the 'Fund Raiser'.
Sadly TuFun was so pissed off (I don't blame him either!) he departed, and unlike some people he seems to have decided he is not coming back.
We are not amused that one idiot can cost us a valued and highly talented member, so if you're lurking in the shadows TuFun, that 99.99% of us would be really happy for you to return.
It seems he (along with 99.99% of us) was rather pissed over a thread, now deleted, criticising members who were unable to donate to the 'Fund Raiser'.
Sadly TuFun was so pissed off (I don't blame him either!) he departed, and unlike some people he seems to have decided he is not coming back.
We are not amused that one idiot can cost us a valued and highly talented member, so if you're lurking in the shadows TuFun, that 99.99% of us would be really happy for you to return.

I was afraid something like this would happen. I tried to do my best Solomon impression and broker a peace agreement. Unfortunately this seems always be how these things end....when will folks ever learn.

I implore TuFun as well....if you are still checking things out around here on reconsider and do so in the knowledge that none of us agreed with the offending poster.

Short version: TuFun, don't let the remarks of one "idiot" (And I'm putting that lightly) get you down about the rest of the good hearted and sincere bunch here at SOH. I hope you will re-consider comming back. :salute:

I missed the comments on the fund drive unfortunately. We all contribute in our own ways. I live on $368.00 per month in a fully depressed economy, therefore I cannot realistically contribute $$$ to the drive. However, I have contributed many hundreds of hours in the form of various skins available here. To attack anyone over their "contributions" or lack thereof would have been grossly inappropriate. I was looking forward to TF's upcoming work and will greatly miss his presence. TF...thank you for all of your contributions. G
Sad, sad, sad. I'm really sad to hear about TuFun.

If there is anything that concerns me it is the loss of his talent to the flight sim community.
Well said, gman.

Thank you for your comment sir.
TeD and I had a number of private conversations about the metal skins for Milton's Howard 500. He has put a tremendous amount of time into this project. He appreciated my work with metal skins and consulted with me on technique etc. Hopefully he will continue to polish his skills and will return to this forum to share the fruit of his labors.
I certainly hope so. Some people just don't seem to realize the talent that comes to these forums and is will to do so much for our enjoyment and without charge. There are plenty of projects here that could very easily be payware, yet they are given as gifts to flight sim community.
I hope someone here has Tufun's email contacts and can talk him into giving the 99.9% another shot.
It may take some cooling off....but hopefully he can see the offending posts as what they were.

I also want tufun to come back... not to finish this... leave it if you want, but we miss you as a member, and as a contributor. Don't let a moron ruin your fun, if you let them win, its a sad day.
I can't keep count of all the times I have a quick look if there's some light at the horizon. In other words: if our pal TuFun is back. Sadly no sign of life.
From about the most colourful thread in our forum this has become a very gray one. And all that because of one @#$%^^&^**()_ . How on earth can some grumpy person ruin the fun of TF and so many others who put so much effort in a creative and helpful community?

TF, there will be some moment you read all our messages here, probably also in pm's and hopefully in e-mails. We are all missing you, you and you, your enthousiasm and your work of art. Please don't keep your back turned to this place and come back where you know many are waiting and hoping for your return.

Best regards,
That Howard 500 was looking pretty nice.

I did not see the original thread, but I've seen this happen on dozens of lists. Someone gets bent out of shape and unsuscribes. After a bit of time, most folks return because the draw of the hobby interest pulls them back in. I've learned over the years not to let a single person or persons yuck my yum. The delete key is very powerful.
Not to put a hard edge on the requests for Tufun to return. . .honestly, life is to short (where have we heard that one before) to let anyone get an established member in here bothered to the point of packing up and leaving. Irregardless of the severity of the tongue lashing (I also did not read the posts in question) or the specific direction it was aimed, people like that are simply bolstered by the supposition that they hold some mystical higher intelligence and insight than anyone else. . .plus they like to hear themselves talk. No one that spends the amount of time Tufun has on his project should allow some immature oaf to dictate his presence. Tufun. . .time for you to come back, you're not accomplishing anything by staying away other than allow this individual to control you. You have a project to complete, hundreds of members waiting for it's release and you owe it to yourself and to the members to come back and complete your work.:salute: