Milton's Howard 500 a fresh look!

Not to put a hard edge on the requests for Tufun to return. . .honestly, life is to short (where have we heard that one before) to let anyone get an established member in here bothered to the point of packing up and leaving. Irregardless of the severity of the tongue lashing (I also did not read the posts in question) or the specific direction it was aimed, people like that are simply bolstered by the supposition that they hold some mystical higher intelligence and insight than anyone else. . .plus they like to hear themselves talk. No one that spends the amount of time Tufun has on his project should allow some immature oaf to dictate his presence. Tufun. . .time for you to come back, you're not accomplishing anything by staying away other than allow this individual to control you. You have a project to complete, hundreds of members waiting for it's release and you owe it to yourself and to the members to come back and complete your work.:salute:

Well stated Falcon409. I too urge TuFun to return. We miss you my friend. :kilroy:

Spot on what your saying... work has still continued on the TP 500, plus involved with Paul's Duck with special effects department. Didn't realized how long since I popped in SOH... the weather is so nice here I stayed outside working on my 5.0 HO and my brothers 65 GMC!

I rearranged my photobucket folders, hence most of the pics are missing, plus I'm having issue with them with their new format, which I don't like.

In short I will pop in once in awhile with updates.

Here's a few of the interior... textured the seats and cleaned up some of the window posts, but I want to work on them some more, and the side frames with brackets and screws.
Oh and those few exhaust panels... I need to fix those too! I having too much fun!!! -TuFun

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To Milton, thanks for your help on the Howard... without it... this project would have just been another repaint.

To Falcon, thanks for reworking the vc cockpit panels... very nice indeed!

I want thank all for the nice comments! I'm not much of a forum person, or into social networking at all. Anyways enjoy your day... going out drifting my 5.0!
YAY ...... :applause: :applause:

Tim , I'm glad to see you're still working on this master piece :jump:

Ya got every one worried here for a bit, but real life and other stuff creeps in to distract us from time to time. :icon_lol:

Upgrades to the seats and interior are just what it needed. Hope you are finding this project as rewarding as we all are following it.
TuFun/Ted, you have made my day! :jump: What a relief! Welcome back! :wavey:

Your beautiful Howard surpasses all boundaries! Wish I had your skills. :applause::applause:

Hey TuFun! Glad to see you have returned. So, a little vintage vehicle mechanics as therapy, eh? I remember those days, I spend a lot of them on my Torino. I miss that car, almost as much as I miss having a pickup truck. Anyway, glad to see you have returned. :jump:
Hey TuFun! Glad to see you have returned. So, a little vintage vehicle mechanics as therapy, eh? I remember those days, I spend a lot of them on my Torino. I miss that car, almost as much as I miss having a pickup truck. Anyway, glad to see you have returned. :jump:

Ah... love the Torino! My parents had a 70 Brougham with 302. Similar to the one in the pick right down to the color and hideaway lights. I had a 68 Mustang Fastback then and put some US five spoke mags on the Torino when I replace them from the Stang. A friend of ours had a white 70 Torino with 429 and four speed... what a beast of a car.

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My toy... 82 Merc Capri 5.0 HO updated with Ford Racing T-5, 8.8 rear with 3.55 Zoom gear set, and a set of Super 10's with 2.5 exhaust system.

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Ah... love the Torino! My parents had a 70 Brougham with 302. Similar to the one in the pick right down to the color and hideaway lights. I had a 68 Mustang Fastback then and put some US five spoke mags on the Torino when I replace them from the Stang. A friend of ours had a white 70 Torino with 429 and four speed... what a beast of a car.

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My toy... 82 Merc Capri 5.0 HO updated with Ford Racing T-5, 8.8 rear with 3.55 Zoom gear set, and a set of Super 10's with 2.5 exhaust system.

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My Torino was a 1972 Gran Torino Sport. Mine started life looking exactly like the one used in the Clint Eastwood movie "Gran Torino", but the car's first owner had it repainted. Still retained the dark metallic green color, but instead of the laser stripe down the side, the center part of the hood was blacked out and a pair of black stripes was added to the trunk lid. 400 cubic inch engine, C6 automatic tranny and a 9-inch rear completed the drive train. I had the transmission rebuilt, then I built up a new and very hot-rodded 400 engine. That was a fun car.

Glad to have ya' back, TuFun! I was a bit worried there for a while. Beautiful shots on the venerable ol' Howard, mate.

I also had a Ford Torino, it was a 1971, had a 400 Cleveland engine with a big C6 auto tranny. It was all white but had the custom Ford rims. I put a set of UniRoyal "Tiger Paws" on it (With the raised red lettering). It was all stock but it really ran good. Wish I still had it.

Cheers -- BB686:USA-flag:
Glad to have ya' back, TuFun! I was a bit worried there for a while. Beautiful shots on the venerable ol' Howard, mate.

I also had a Ford Torino, it was a 1971, had a 400 Cleveland engine with a big C6 auto tranny. It was all white but had the custom Ford rims. I put a set of UniRoyal "Tiger Paws" on it (With the raised red lettering). It was all stock but it really ran good. Wish I still had it.
Cheers -- BB686:USA-flag:

Yep... how many times I hear that! I bought my 82 5.0 new right from the showroom floor... had one mile on the odometer. Been driving her for 31 years. I've had people knock on my door asking if it's for sale.

If this thing had an inline 4, I'd want one. Gorgeous 1980s edges!

My friend had an 85 Mustang SVO, with the turbo four, but I love my V8 with all that torque.
I noticed the flames where backwards on the right side exhausts, fixed that. Cleaned up the window posts and shaded the areas behind the panels.
