Milton's Howard 500 a fresh look!

Probably just an oversight, TuFun.... I wouldn't take it on the chin. Happens to the best of us. This is not the first time I've heard of these kind of issues here in the forums. I have every intention of flying your beautifully restored Howard 500, and I'm sure that others do as well.... given the effort that everyone here has taken to find the "hiccup" and fix it.


Hey Blackbird... thanks! Just a lack of experience in my case. Now I know what to look for thanks to Ed (Falcon409). :salute:

I will continue...
Good news.... Always happy to read your posts and watch the progress of your projects. Especially when we get the chance to fly your artistry.

Hey, don't worry, TuFun. It happens to all of us, even the people that should know better... how many SPs do Payware projects tend to get? (I've paid for some with up to 5 service packs before...)
I myself released a compilation of sceneries a while back - and utterly screwed it up. Half the agn file ended up corrupted and objects didn't work... didn't make the original authors whose permission I'd gotten too happy! Ended up recompiling and uploading from scratch... and that was far less complex than your work on the Howard 500!

TuFun, this is such a small thing, nothing to worry about. There are tons of updates to fix minor things with models and paints all the time!

Not only do I appreciate the fine redo of the Howard you did I also REALLY enjoyed all the updates you posted along the way. It was really neat to see this come to completion.

I myself am not good (let's face is, I Suck with a capital S) at repaints and modeling which is why I never released any of my stuff, but you have real talent. I was not aware of the alpha issue and I bet most people weren’t.

Thank you for the great repaints!

And please keep it up, especially for FS9!

Nah... I know I'm still going to do these restorations, just expressing my feelings that's all. The Howard and Paul's FSX Duck are the only two aircraft I've done startup effects for. I thought it would be cool to have alternating flames coming out of the pipes, and nice flowing smoke coming from both sides of the cowls, plus I incorporated the pop sounds in the effects file.

The cabin will be redone in the same style the Howard N500HP has in these pics. This should complete the model.

Ceiling so far, creating the pattern...
View attachment 86497

Better look at the ceiling and what I need to do...
View attachment 86498
All photos taken in FSX. Hope that's not a problem with anyone. No FS9 to test with. -TuFun

FS9 1024/32

So there you have it... FS9 1024 version a little softer in some areas, overall looks good.

Looks Amazing in FS9!
