Ted, I sent you a PM on this, but for those who are having issues with the Howard (loss of aircraft textures and serious blurries), remove the effects texture "fx_1" and see if the problem goes away. That seems to be the offending texture and as soon as I removed it, the aircraft textures returned and the problem of intense "blurries" and loss of autogen were gone.
This is phantomx1 falcon.
I may be inclined to agree with you about the fx_1 file.
I spoke too soon in my last post as I hadn't tried a converter on all the texture files in TFF's package. Then I downloaded a texture batch converter from Flightsim and re-installed TFF's package and went by the instructions to use the converter and converted all of the textures in the aircraft and the effects textures. The converter program said it could not handle converting fx_1.
I then flew TFF's plane and had blurried terrain textures and FS9 lock up on exit.
I then removed all of TFF's package, except I left the fx_1 effects texture file in FS9 because that was the only fx_1 file I had because on the initial installation I elected to use the TFF one and it overwrote my original one.
I then went back to fly Milton's Howard and I still got the terrain texture blurries and FS9 exit lock up.
Then I removed the remaining fx_1 texture from FS9 and then flew Milton's Howard and all went back to normal. So even though it may have been other textures in TFF's package or maybe even other type file issues that may have been causing the problem, I know for a fact that there was something about the fx_1 texture, which was the only one left in FS9, was indeed causing the problem.
When I run the DXT batch converter on fx_1, which it will not process, it displays the message: "Unsupported bitmap image format." And that is
the only texture file that the batch converter would not process.
However, even though the fx_1 texture may be the culprit, there is the possibility other of the textures may be cause too.
Also that particular fx_1 file had given me textureless start up smoke. I dug around in my files and found an older fx_1 file to put in FS9 and it fixed the ghost startup smoke.
Definitely something about that fx_1 effects texture file!