The graphics are looking awesome TF.Can anything be done about the cowl bezel chrome? Looks a bit too white on the top half.
Reduce the curve in the red stripes a bit.
I am having so much fun flying this plane! Oddly enough even with visits to many aviation museums and a lifetime of plastic model making I had never seen or heard of one. It's so powerful and such a gas-guzzler I made a Shadin fuel flow pop-up window to keep an eye on fuel consumption. At 18000' feet and the power settings used by Dave Cummings on the RW Howard, Milton's modeling of fuel flow, airspeeds, m/p, and rpm are right on the money.
One question or quibble, take your pick. Is there a way to lose or lower the yoke? I know the FS9 version had this feature. I tried my "/" key but it didn't work for me.
TuFun I am loving your texture re-do. It is phenomenal and looking forward to future repaints.
Check to see if these are in your aircraft.cfg file.
spoiler_limit= 1.000000
spoilerons_available= 1
Hmm, that is interesting. Have checked both the native FSX model in the library here and the Com-central FS9 model (with all the repaints) and even with these entries the yoke doesn't disappear. But apparently it can from your screenshots, TF, but then maybe that is just more of your magic at work!!
Hmm, that is interesting. Have checked both the native FSX model in the library here and the Com-central FS9 model (with all the repaints) and even with these entries the yoke doesn't disappear. But apparently it can from your screenshots, TF, but then maybe that is just more of your magic at work!!
I may have added that in the optimized release or in TF's mod'd version, I do not recall.
NICE job Tufun. Now the virtual 500 comes to life as it was in the RW.
Man it would be great to see this in FSX. An updated native, and in it's fully dress.
You've been bitten, Tufun.![]()
Man, it's getting to the point where I can't open this thread anymore. The waiting is making me ache!