Aeronca Champ Interest?

Lagaffe, I am so delighted for this Christmas 2024 gift. Merci! Such a delight to fly in either sim.


Cazzie, this afternoon I will prepare another version of tests that I would try to send you by MP before Christmas.
Anyway, to wait here are some images (FS24 sim) of this version which focused on:
- the improvement of the engine (IDLE and RPMs max for each engine: 65HP, 85HP & 95HP)
- the flight_model (slip operations, rudder beahaviour in taxi and flight) and
- the creation of a first draft for PBR text to test in simulators the effect that it could give.

First, the float version (the exterior textures have not yet been worked on and come from textures of FS2004 version)


The cockpit and PBR textures:



Trying to improve the propeller behavior (so that RPMs arrive faster when the throttle is set to ON) the IDLE has some problems: the propeller drops from 400 RPMs to 300 RPMS and the engine stalls. To correct this I wil try to increase a little the efficiency/ decrease the friction of the engine in order to obtain a good IDLE.
Looking very nice, Lagaffe! One thing to note on these Champs - they had mechanical brakes (the one I flew did). When you first start to taxi, you basically have little brakes. As they warm up, they come to you and work very well. I have very little time in one and it was 45+ years ago, but that is the one thing that sticks out. I'm sure there was/is a swap out to hydraulics now if one wanted to. Looking forward to this one!

Don BP;)
From what I could see while looking for information on this plane, there are many kits to improve them including hydraulic brake kits. Unfortunately FS does not allow to finely simulate this kind of thing, only the 3D modeling allows to transcribe one model or the other.
On the LIC model that served as my basis, this aspect was treated very poorly, I hope to be able to detail it a little more
All the screenshot above (cockpit views) are taken under MSFS 2024 as I have writed in the comment.

Asobo pilots management has changed between FS20 and FS24 so I want :
1) wait some time for Asobo can review this point
2) use the technique that I have use for the Super Stearman: create 2 pilots and include them in the 3D

The float version as you have described above, isn't it this one: ?
This can be a good beginning for you? If you want to make your own repaint, you can find on AVSim the official paintkit for the LIC Aeronca 7AC (find LIC Aeronca & that I use for some repaints.

yes - the link takes you to my build thread on the official Guillow's forum
Yep, the LIC Paint Kit will work fine on this plane. The only thing that may need adjestment is the prop blur. Laghaffe's blur is fine for a wooden prop as he has on this model, but "Charlie Brown" had a black metal prop with white tips. And it flies in either sim fine. Here's a Civil Air Patrol Champ from way back.


Good Year at all,

The textures of the cockpit have been re-worked to be aged in order to correspond to a 1943 aircraft.
On these two images, I pushed the cursor a little too far to see how far we could go ...



For the next version released to TEAM, dust and scratches will be reduced and especially the outside will have the same treatment
Good evening,
To have a little more choice in the interiors, I developed another version with more rudimentary seats (the comfortable seats have an inlay with the siggle AERONCA in bump), like army seat, and the interior textures have been treated with less luxury.


Tomorow, I will begin to work on the PBR exterior textures (with crashes and dust) and add some rivets on the front part of the fuselage.