• Warbirds Library V4 (Resources for now) How to

    We just posted part one of the how to on uploading new files to the Library. Part 1 covers adding new files. Part 2 will cover making changes to your the uploads you own.

    Questions or comments please post them in the regular forums. Which forum is that... Well it is the one you spend the most time in.

    Thanks the Staff

    Library How to

Aeroplane Heaven C-47/DC-3 is out!

Bazz I think all people here are interested and have been waiting for this model for a long, long time. Nothing new, even Bill Gates products need be patched :pirate:.
What can I advice - do more beta tests (or maybe beta Team is too small?), dont know this. More beta tests mean more completed model which is very important at this level price I think (higher than A2A Connie and near PMDG DC-6). So expectations are also high.
Now I don't know if this Your post means ("make a return or accept what you have") the end of support for DC-3/C-47 and no next SP for few layers of repaints, strange shadows on model (probably missing PBR textures/alpha also) and issue with 3D model of main gear.
I personally think that such comments and comments from users from opened Forum help and exchange experiences to finally have a better model, more faithful to the original if beta team didn't notice it before, no offense. :encouragement:

Yoyo, this release was built with the more than able assistance of several real-world owners and flyers of the DC-3/C-47. We have beta tested to hell and back in the face of many urgent requests to hurry up and release. We have asked around here also but have had negative responses siting no time as the reason. There will always be glitches that's the nature of the business these days. But we fix them when we have enough reports gathered to make the best use of time.

we are already more than happy with the performance of this product in sales and feedback from customers world wide who are enjoying the product immensely and having a ball flying it (or trying to!)

You all know me by now (or should do) . I always ensure people are happy and SPs are relased as quickly as possible. The DC-3/C47 will be no exception - it has too much of us in it.:engel016:
Matt, of course we will be issuing SPs. We always do. And yes, as I have said and thanked you for the HU, we will be making the necessary changes to some of the liveries when we do the SP. Right now, as a small business, we are going to find it challenging in te coming months, balancing personal with business but we will, like a lot of others, I suspect, do our best.:engel016:
Thank you for the clarification Baz. A black and white answer was all i was after, anything else leads to misunderstandings
Thanks for the clarification Bazz, dont rush ; ).
Just bought DC-3 & C-47 Bundle version from PCAviator :wavey:.
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I am quite interested in this package. Currently one of my favorite aircraft to fly is Manfred Jahn's C-47 with the Modern VC, cause I would rather fly with modern navigation and the standard C-47 by Manfred does not have a functioning autopilot in the VC (it does in the popup). I was quite interested when I saw the screen shots of the VC with a optional GPS on the dash but on reading the manual I got the impression that to have that you were required to by the flight1 gtn/gns package, which would just about double to cost of the package for me. Is there a way to fly this with modern navigation in the VC without having to buy another third party product?
So here's me hoping for an update, especially on those shadows, those I find really annoying.

You and me both! Just bought the bundle and im a little deflated. Cant start this thing without the gpu for one, I ABSOLUTELY HATE that...not realistic. just about every DC3 Out there including the one I have time in is capable of doing battery starts...ie at a fuel stop with no services. That being said, even with the GPU (Which I cant stand that opening a door causes the gpu to appear, should all be separate controls imo) i cant seem to get this thing to start. Seems VERY buggy to me for a $65 package. Lights wont go off without battery on, the shadows that were already mentioned, In the VC (which is not a full cabin..bummer) if you go back a ways behind the pilot toward the door..1. You can see a huge crack open to the outside 2. The door doesnt open from the inside..shows open from the outside, but doesnt work in the vc...pretty cheesy.
The Texture quality is awsome however, she looks beautifull..just wish it was a little more realistic. in the real thing, you can flip on the battery and crank an engine over just to turn it through if you wanted to...this apparently you have to have the door open, gpu on or it wont do anything. Read the manual twice, and cant seem to move the hydraulic hand pump for the life of me. The mixture controls you MUST click on the trigger then drag...this is a PITA on short final going to auto rich having to pan down and screw around with click and drag rather than a quick key command (ctrl,shift,F3). Hopefully theres a service pack that will let you JUST open a door, or JUST hook up the gpu. or be able to choose the empty cabin without having paratroopers standing around. feels more like a game than a simulator. hoping for more of A2A style controls. Its not bad, she honestly looks beautifull...but please, for the love of got get rid of the hideous exhaust on the C47 and the strange cover blocking the top cylinders on the DC3. Until then, back to manfred's C47 for me.
surfguru, I recommend going through proper channels at Aeroplane Heaven for any problems you are having. Displaying them here actually has little beneficial effect for your. The aircraft has only been our for several days. Baz has already replied to several problems detailed through the support process. There will be a SP coming when as many things can be addressed as possible. Please check with Aeroplane Heaven support for any help.
The first touch - nice job and I like it. After SP will be nice model, Im sure! :wavey:
btw. VC has very good scale (this is done very well for VR user, not all models has good scale for VR).


Yep - about skins here is a little mess, I will send it via email, perhaps missing leyers.
What can I advice also - for PBR models external textures (only external) must be saved as DX1 (for example A2A did that for his models and not A2A only "for PBR repaints you should save your repaint as DXT1 DDS (RGB, 4bpp, without alpha channel)"), not as DXT5.

May I be wrong but doesn't the propeller is too small?

Anyway, I like it!
I too am more than interested in buying this aircraft but at the moment my health is taking precedence.

EDIT: Bad news ....... I weakened. Good news ......... I donated to the AH Benevolent fund and purchased both packs.
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Congrats, Pat...I think you're going to LOVE it. I'm having a ball with it. (and I bought the combined C-47/DC-3 pack too). Do you realize that in 1990, when I spent some time at DAC in Long Beach helping to get the MD-11 certified, that there was still a lady (old by then) working there who had worked on DC-3 development? She was 80+ at the time!

Aeroplane heaven DC-3 Landing gear procedure

I could use some advice on the landing gear operation...

I have no problems lowering or raising the landing gear, but I cannot find out how to set the gear lever in neutral.

According to the manual, after having raised the landing gear, the landing gear lever should by lowered to the mid posistion and the latch should automatically snap from unlatched (Full up) to latched (Mid) position, but I cannot get it to work.
Right click for neutral.:engel016:


With "rightclick" You mean rightclick the gear lever so it moves to the right ?
In that case shouldn't the Latch lever not "snap" from "unlatched" (full up) to "latched" (spring-locked mid) position ?

The description in the manual is not very clear for me.
i wonder if this will be V5 compatible? I was waiting for JustFlight to carry it but now I may wait for word v5 compatibility before I do?
We are currently working on a Service Pack. Thanks to all for constructive comments and suggestions.

"please, for the love of got get rid of the hideous exhaust on the C47 and the strange cover blocking the top cylinders on the DC3"

I can answer this.

The exhausts on the C-47 have flame dampers fitted. These are British type as found on a lot of British bombers. They were fitted to C-47s for dusk and night operations (for obvious reasons) and ships like "That's all Brother" carried them. If you doubt that, just find shots of her on D-Day or I believe there is a video of a film shot prior to D-Day which clearly shows them fitted.

The strange cover over the top cylinders of the DC-3, as everybody should know, were fitted to Wright-engined versions to modulate airflow. Again find shots of American Airlines and other US spec DC-3s with Wright engines and you will see. The Wrights also had no cowl flaps.

We will anounce the SP when it is ready.:engel016: