Ok, that "no weapons of any kind" is utterly stupid and of course will not buy a Lancaster without turrets. I will be that stupid too. Only German and Austria have that law about nazi symbols. And I bet my life that vast majority of german and austrian simmers will not agree and will gladly have real liveries. That representation of swastikas in P-51 are just ridiculous. What did those pilots shot down??? Armchairs? And I own FSX planes from Flight Replicas Me' and Fw´s (Mathias), he's German, and they offered the option to change tail planes with or without swastikas. And some others, remember a Fieseler Storch. So at that time not long ago at all, they found a way to bypass that stupidity, and offer the real thing. I´m sure some artists, and I could name some here, will do real liveries free of charge for Aeroplane Heaven (good business). Just like someone did for the Heinkel He-111. Bought the plane got rid of their useless (AH) liveries
Anyway, we have the option to accept or not bad or good decisions, don´t want to be banned here so I will refrain to really state what I think about this one. For sure I'm of no importance for AH sale rates. So, when I find the same liveries correctly done maybe I will buy. If not, will spend my money in some other properly done product. Regards.
Welcome to the world of being a curmudgeon. While most of the world thinks of us as out of touch old men who complain a lot, we are, in reality, into historical preservation and accuracy. We simply want to preserve the past as we remember and revere it.
Unfortunately, every year we remember less and less of the past we are trying to preserve. Thus, the rant and raving over things being “unlike they use to be”, and “they are always changing things.”
Also, having a substantial amount of history under our belts and knowing how thing used to happen; “stupid laws” will provoke loud and vociferous diatribes where we attempt to educate the younger population of the purity of our historical times and the outright “idiocy” of things today. The laws against weapons on the models and Nazi symbols being “verboten” are examples of the above.
Our self-righteousness and need to live in the past are real. You young guys, need not worry. Soon we will pass, and you will never hear from us again. Then is will soon be your turn.