AH DHC-1 Chipmunk Chippy has landed 6/24

Nice paints already JanKees !!

The aircraft is beautifully modeled however I also conclude that the flap lever actuation is reversed.
Full forward should be zero flaps and the lever should be pulled back or 'lifted' with two detents, first is 15deg and then 30deg (this is correct on the model as far as the two detents) or full flaps with the lever all the way back
As noted the VC label for the flaps is also reversed. It is not a show stopper but I would not call it nit-picking either...not that anyone has called it that.

Also - the mixture lever movement is correct but it is supposed to 'catch' the throttle anytime the throttle is moved past the mixture lever (such as when in high cruise above 5,000' altitude and the mixture has been leaned for proper aspiration).
This is WHY the mixture lever is reversed compared to 'normal' full forward full rich common elsewhere. It is meant to prevent the trainee from forgetting to return the mixture lever to full rich upon approach and landing. Throttle, once extended past the mixture lever will 'catch' it
as the throttle is reduced or 'cut' on approach and landing and automatically pull it to full rich - or at least a more suitable, less hazardous position


Also - the mixture lever movement is correct but it is supposed to 'catch' the throttle anytime the throttle is moved past the mixture lever (such as when in high cruise above 5,000' altitude and the mixture has been leaned for proper aspiration).
This is WHY the mixture lever is reversed compared to 'normal' full forward full rich common elsewhere. It is meant to prevent the trainee from forgetting to return the mixture lever to full rich upon approach and landing. Throttle, once extended past the mixture lever will 'catch' it
as the throttle is reduced or 'cut' on approach and landing and automatically pull it to full rich - or at least a more suitable, less hazardous position

That's right, however I think this "catch" could be hard to modelled. For me, it's enough to correct what has been noticed and it will be really fun. :very_drunk:
That's right, however I think this "catch" could be hard to modelled. For me, it's enough to correct what has been noticed and it will be really fun. :very_drunk:

Agree 100% - the mixture lever detail is just something noticed but far from critical..however I think the Chippie is already really fun
Ahhh! Flight helmet talk ! (my fav hobbyhorse, you should see my collection..:))

This was the usual one I had when flying in Chipmunks. The mask was purely there for the microphone - an open hole where the O2 hose once connected.

This was the usual one I had when flying in Chipmunks. The mask was purely there for the microphone - an open hole where the O2 hose once connected.


AHA... I forgot I wore those things too. And all these years I thought my baldness was down to heredity! (LOL)
"Lossiemouth Landing"

I will be taking artistic screenshots of the Chippy for a while I think. If you like, I'll share them over time. Here is one to get us started.

I present "Lossiemouth Landing"...

Lossiemouth Landing.jpg

- Kenneth Kerr
Too much negativeness in this thread. If you are having a problem or feel something is not right them please contact the AH Help Desk. This way AH staff can produce a patch for the problem.

Negative posts here can affect sales and eventually developers will hang up their tools and we are left with nothing. So please remember to use the help desk.
Too much negativeness in this thread...

Too be honest, I dont think so. Life is such that it's never 100% complete :pirate:. Notice that here we have many good words too in this topic:

+ very good and detailed modelling, nice 3D mapping on surface, good textures, no issues in Flight model and good air behavior and the take-off and landing phases, good ground handling, many noticed nice idea with possibility open and see engine plus ground power unit, own figures of pilots (MIL variant, generic helmets), manual before release (not top secret part), well done propeller animation (an own pilots have also nice animation on their heads), gauges are fine, for some the price is justifiable too

- (to improve) left fuel gauge and valve inside of VC, custom MSFS view with unnecessary body, reversed behavior of lever for flaps + for some audiophiles sound could be improved inside (so few things only)

The advantage is obvious here. Notice that even Windows is patched sometimes (and soft for Tesla cars), its normal and nothing wrong is here. I guess I have never seen a software product that does not have some patach (maybe when Internet wasnt popular, more that 20 years earlier). Each forum is an exchange of opinions, good and bad (if they are justified) and questions. Statistically, however, more is written about what does not work, whether it is a washing machine or a TV set. As the saying goes, "two heads are not the same as one", so always expect something to extra work and improving after the release. Not everything is caught during the production process, but before contact with HD you should always consult it first with other users to see if they have the same symptom. It's just important thing is to listen to your clients in this case and be informed that things will be improved only (from user perspective) and that's it. :encouragement:
No need for arguments fellas. There are more important things in life.
We are planning and working on a first upgrade/patch for this week.
Thanks to all who used the correct channels to report bugs and requests.
We hope you will be happy with the improvements.:engel016:
How can I load this nice lady (default MSFS) in the second place in CIV version :biggrin-new: https://www.aeroplaneheaven.com/img/products/chipmunk/gallery/019.jpg ?
Probably I need modify the weight manually and probably is not 190lb. She dosent look like this weight, probably even she doesnt like it so she decided not appear here ;). Maybe less? Any ideas?

Btw. short fly in Australia, look on those ground textures .... finally REX AccuSeason gives shaders for seasonal textures (I was a bit off topic of REX:AS, although I did every updates)? :rolleyes:


Aside from chatting here I've been emailing with the AH team, but I think this thread has been a good way for everyone to discuss and come to agreement on what might be a bug. Initially a lot of folks didn't catch the flap lever. Some people didn't do long enough flights to catch the fuel issue. All that to say I don't think it's been a negative thread, it's been very helpful and some of the bugs I reported through the channels were ones brought to my attention here.