AH Hawker Hurricane MK1 Released 5/2

Too bright, the red? What are you talking about, red is never bright? Oh wait, colorblindness strikes again.
As for the thistle, I've also seen pictures with blue circles....I think...
If you take the same red as the one you used in the flyingiron Spit "Liège", you're good!

I'll try and find some Belgian profiles of the thistle insignia and will send you them.

Sorry Jankees, my sight is worsening every day, so I can't even imagine what you're going through... I can only imagine the frustration...

I bought it. I must say you get plenty for your money! All in all three models at a very reasonable price! I have one observation: the cockpit of the Sea Hurry (the one with the tailhook) doesn't open on the exterior model. That's also the case on the restored model. Again the flights are logged, but no name of the airplane in the log, just as with the Razorback. But I'm very happy with it! Love these AH warbirds!
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I really enjoyed Jonathan Beckett's Live stream, even though he forgot to switch from reserve to main tank!
Jan, Jan, they are different! Now what am I supposed to do?
Judging by the photographs that I found online (B/W and grainy), I would go for the first one. What both have in common though is that the background of the insignia is the paint of the aircraft, the camouflage.
I am a big fan of the Hurricane - it's not for nothing that "K5083" is my handle on most forums - and was a big fan of AH's Hurricane for P3D, so this was an easy call for me. I didn't want or necessarily expect much. A straightforward port of the P3D Hurri to MSFS would have been fine. Having tried it out, I'm generally satisfied, but feel that this product was rushed out the door a bit. It gives both more and less than the direct port-over that would have satisfied me.

To start with the positives, the 3D mesh seems generally OK, sounds are decent, and I like that we get the different variants. The delivery version with the ATA pilot is a nice touch, and the GPS version and modern pilot are welcome for doing latter-day warbird activities. The flight model seems reasonable although perhaps a little too easy to do aerobatics in the vertical plane. It is a sweetheart to land, like the P3D version.

For the drawbacks, systems and controls are a bit of a mixed bag. I can't figure out how to work the primer; when I click on it, it unlocks and then locks again, no matter whether I just click the mouse or hold it down. I have not been able to actually pump the handle. However, it turns out that this unnecessary anyway, the engine so far always starts for me with no priming. I would prefer a primer handle I can actually operate and an engine that requires it. The brake system is the same as on the AH Spitfire, which is fine, I can use the same controls I had set up for that. It turns easily when taxiing even at low speeds using only rudder and no brakes, which doesn't seem right. In the air, the engine does not cut out under negative G as one would expect. You can fly inverted all day and the engine will never miss. There is no VR camera position, the default VR view puts you outside of the cockpit to the right of the fuselage, so that has to be added to the cameras.cfg.

The most disappointing thing about it is the exterior textures, which are poorly researched. Even from the trailer and advertising images, I could see that the fuselage roundel for all skins using the standard 35-inch roundel were incorrectly proportioned. Measuring the dimensions from the textures, the correct proportions of a type A1 roundel would be yellow 7, blue 5, white 3, red 1, whereas the AH roundels are 7, 5.2, 3.4, 1.6. In other words, assuming the outer yellow diameter to be correct, the blue, white, and red discs are each progressively more oversized with the red one ending up 1.6x the diameter it should be. The oversized roundel on GZ-L and the under-wing type A roundels are more nearly correct. I had to spend an hour in Photoshop correcting the fuselage roundels before I could stand to load the plane. While there, I noticed that many of the roundels are off-center, most are incorrectly placed on the fuselage (some higher on one side than on the other), the fin flashes are often the wrong size and proportion, and the fonts used for the fuselage serial are varied but mostly incorrect. Then there is the Hurricat KE-M, which is even worse. The type C1 roundels are completely wrong, the roundels under the wings are the wrong style altogether (A), and every marking on the skin is wrongly sized and located relative to the photo that exists of this plane. I decided to just forget I ever saw that one instead of correcting it. This is all a shame because AH has proven many times in the past that it can get British markings right. These skins are just low-effort. Hopefully the repainters will start from scratch and not rely on the stock skins too much as a base. I will be doing 3 or 4 skins for my own use and use that approach.

The manual shows signs of neglect as well. It is clearly edited from the Spitfire manual, and they forgot to change "Spitfire" to "Hurricane" in some places, and even used a Spitfire rather than a Hurricane as the background image on one page.

Overall I'm happy with it at the price point. It is not as good as the Spitfire but better than the P-51, and with some better skins from the community, will adequately fill that Hurricane-shaped hole in the sim.

Yes, it's true, apart from the modeling of the model and the cockpit, which I usually praise when it comes to AH, unfortunately here the repaintings are fiction in largely part once we start checking them against documented sources, and when you point out to them, the only thing they can write is that you are wrong, and that they have other sources, but the funnier thing is that they don't show them. So that's kicking the horse. I like their models in general, because they are cool choices and planes that no one usually makes for civilian simulators, but their approach to comments from the community is terrible and they are irreformable (I have long had the opinion that no one tests these models, they only focus on production and we all are his testers after release), however I still love them. Life is brutal. :biggrin-new:
Has AeroplaneHeaven lost that loving feeling, oh oh that loving feeling, is it gone gone gone? whoa....
I'm glad Barry is still making addons and I love his warbirds. I can imagine he's getting tired of the negative comments and and doesn't visit our forums or any other forum anymore. I have most of the addons he made for FS9 and FSX and in my opinion AH has evolved very well in this sim. I'm having a lot of fun with the Hurricane, the Razorback and the Mustang. And being a modest modeller myself I know how much effort has been put in these models. In my experience AH always listens, when you adress them in a friendly, respectful manner. After all the critisism I read about the Mustang I decided to buy it anyway. And I'm very content with it. Great fun and very satisfying to get this one in the air. If they'd only built a 109...:smile-new:
I find none of these planes dissapointing, knowing that these were not meant as study-level planes.
Just my two cents, and I know a lot of people will disagree with what I wrote here. So be it.
I'm glad Barry is still making addons and I love his warbirds. I can imagine he's getting tired of the negative comments and and doesn't visit our forums or any other forum anymore. I have most of the addons he made for FS9 and FSX and in my opinion AH has evolved very well in this sim. I'm having a lot of fun with the Hurricane, the Razorback and the Mustang. And being a modest modeller myself I know how much effort has been put in these models. In my experience AH always listens, when you adress them in a friendly, respectful manner. After all the critisism I read about the Mustang I decided to buy it anyway. And I'm very content with it. Great fun and very satisfying to get this one in the air. If they'd only built a 109...:smile-new:
I find none of these planes dissapointing, knowing that these were not meant as study-level planes.
Just my two cents, and I know a lot of people will disagree with what I wrote here. So be it.
Can't agree more.........
I'm glad Barry is still making addons and I love his warbirds. I can imagine he's getting tired of the negative comments and and doesn't visit our forums or any other forum anymore. I have most of the addons he made for FS9 and FSX and in my opinion AH has evolved very well in this sim. I'm having a lot of fun with the Hurricane, the Razorback and the Mustang. And being a modest modeller myself I know how much effort has been put in these models. In my experience AH always listens, when you adress them in a friendly, respectful manner. After all the critisism I read about the Mustang I decided to buy it anyway. And I'm very content with it. Great fun and very satisfying to get this one in the air. If they'd only built a 109...:smile-new:
I find none of these planes dissapointing, knowing that these were not meant as study-level planes.
Just my two cents, and I know a lot of people will disagree with what I wrote here. So be it.
I agree as well, I like them. Are perfect? No, they are not, but who else has given us a Hurricane, DC-3, F3F , (paintable) P-51 or P-47? Count your blessings please. No, it's not A2A quality, but these guys have only given us a Comanche so far, so I know what I prefer... Between AH, FR and FI, I have a wonderful collection of warbirds, and I'm happy with all of them, each has its merits as well as its faults, but I enjoy all.
I am very much looking forward to the Lancaster, and anything they might have in store.
Well, I don't worry much about external textures and sounds, being 99.9% in the cockpit...but the way the Hurricane leaps into the air and the miserable interior sound stop me flying it at the moment. I've heard rumours they will fix the performance and maybe the sound so fingers crossed...the VC is excellent, apart from that pink bolt they forgot to texture - not immediately noticeable in pancake but unmissable in VR.
Wish they would invest in a VR headset, it's the best way to test a VC...
Existing owners will find many improvements and a completely transformed performance envelope, thanks to Wells Sullivan.
Echo 19 have also adjusted quite a few things in the sound department.
We have removed the Supercharger from the cockpit. This was a later addition when the engine changed to the XX model so removing it makes things a little more authentic.
All the liveries have had changes and improvements and we have moved to 8k textures for even better resolution.
Hawker Hurricane V1.1.0
Removed pink textured bolt in VC
Retextured cockpit rails
Repositioned headphones on pilots
Revised Flight Model for more realistic handling
Revised engine coding for more realistic performance
Engine Primer animation fixed
Corrected wheel blurs (missing left wheel on takeoff)
Replaced missing gunports on Tropical Version
Fixed closed canopy issue on Modern and Sea Hurricane versions.
Fixed guntapes disappearing on various versions
Revised textures on all liveries
GNS switch disabled in all but modern variant
Sounds revised and interior engine levels adjusted
VR camera settings adjusted
Errors in manual corrected.
The update is available now from our site and all vendors sites have been notified.