Arado-234 freeware?

some gauges came from the Komet sources, but many gauges are made newly, from scratch, for this Arado project.
the VC related lightmaps should come, but such feature is not important too much for me right now. not yet ;)
Looks so realistic, I love the late sun reflection/shadows on the inside of the glass......jen krásná! Tibor

Textures just spot-on, all by John (Bravo4)?


thanks ;)

I think its unbelievable how much can the whole CFS3, running in dx8 mode, look with Ankor Shaders. the best thing I love on the shaders are the dynamic shadows. it even generates such shadows from textures with alpha channels (eg. if you have a canopy frame painted on the glass surface, not made as 3d frame, sample here...). with the latest shader packs is also the VC g-force like effect stunning, so like the smooth cam view zooming...

... the symphony of shadows and lights I am trying to grab in the screenshot ;) using stock CFS3 with Ankor Shaders, no scenery or other mods.

Bravo/4 is focused on the external Ar 234 model skin / template where it is basically 99% his paint art.
all the interior textures including gauges are my paint. I dont invest too much time into such paint, so I wouldnt mind if there would be Bravo4/s fingeprints one day too ;)
No the lozenge camouflage isn't historical, the Ar 234 didn't perform very well as a nightfighter, which means there are not a lot of schemes for it, so I just made a few up!:untroubled: Glad you like it!
Ha ha John, great that WWI lozenge pattern...

Would have been good at night, the NJ missed something there..:)

The external texs are looking excellent.

As B says, Ankors shaders have done wonders for CFS3...there are visually great similarities with FSX, also the modelling/tex technique. Hmmm..I wonder if they took CFS3, heavily developed it and punted out FSX...??


thank you for support ;)

the Blitz project gauge paints are not final yet, so currently is any +clight feature not too much doable.

but what Ive noticed is the default red toned VC night lighting, when "L" pushed ingame, acts pretty intensive level, which with any glovy +clight dials would look strange. to be honest I hate to learn to decrease this light is solvable with any xml or cfg file edits only. I just hate to be airplane add-ons depedned on zillion of other additional hand made fixes and tweaks in the CFS3 structure. I would rather go the way to use special "darkening" textures.
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Adding one of the cockpit light effects that Andy has already done will reduce the intensity of the default cockpit light.

It's really nice looking project!
yeah. looking the readme its exactly about what I was affraid of :) the user have to edit manually .ini, .xml and even .xdp files, to get it working as supposed.

thats why I dont use such CFS3 special improvements. my goal still is "put and go" add-on install, keeping my CFS3 clean as it gets and I believe many other players just dont use various enhancements if they have to do some manual work / edits. yet so easy looking act like adding new rows into effect .xml can easy turn into game loader freeze / crash to desktop after a simple copy-paste routine - because of a wrong text format.

however, I am open to be such features available in the mod pack contents as optional stuff, if other method doesnt work ;) that seems would be a case of the red color tone decreasing.
ok, lets put some project current stage info.

well, we think with Bravo/4 the Blitz project turned into a decent stuff, visually at least.
there is a few small 3d model/ texture related things I would fix yet, but basically I am 99% done.
oh yes, there is a lot of parts which miss in the cockpit or could/should be made different way, but this would be a matter of some later Blitz add-on releases.
btw, this is how it looked at the initial stage, see the large engine gondolas, wheels, the interior:
image sample #1 and #2.

as to the flight model, Dailliwetti offered a help. I cant say how much time it would take, however the airplane is supposed to be released as it is now, just flyable.

weapons is a chapter itself. needs to set more ammo for the night fighter gun gondola and tweak the bullet trace aiming offset for gun cross. a job for volunteer ;)

the RATOs (rocket boosters) will be included as simple non-working pylon mountable items. Ive set them as dropable fuel tanks 250 kg. its a full weight of the real boosters, which causes 2x250 liters more for fuel capacity, when mounted :) again, maybe it can be made better, a job for volunteer? ;)

note: I did a sample mount of the (faky) working RATOs, but the test users are always confused why the pods still are burning, yet why the airplane have the burning effect nodes sticky on the wings even when booster items dropped away (as fuel tanks)... so, to avoid of any repeating explanations and confusions over and over, this sample will be NOT included in the public release. it just cant be easy achieved natural CFS3 game config way.

the .mos files for each skin are made and some basic debris parts works. no damage model enhancement is planned.
my small wish to add some indicator lights for landing gear and flaps achieved finally. some instrumenst are made / painted newly, also some gauges are labeled now.

so, I would stop the Blitz VC development for the upcoming release.

to avoid of misunderstandings like "I cant get working the gun at all" I would recommend to hit the F1 key ingame. at least once ;)

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that is why I love CFS3 + Ankor shaders. just check the Bltz FS9 conversion below. alot whorse, isnt? so why to bother...

I will not put FSX conversion shots to avoid of vomiting.

lets still sticky with CFS3!

Borek you star!! :triumphant:

I was going to ask nicely (lol) if I could have a play with the source file for Fs9 and CFS2! And you've gone and done it, great stuff. I appreciate this model is for CFS3, but will you be releasing for Fs9 etc?

And yes you're right, the 'look' is worse than CFS3, that's why I think that there are parallels between CFS3 (with Ankors shaders) and FSX.



The images presents a quick CFS3 to FS9 gmax conversion without any animations, just 10 mins of work.
I put the FS9 Blitz into FSX library and it looked just awfull ingame, but I am not expert how to solve such port related issues. A native FSX conversion could give better results maybe.

Shessi, do you mean you would bother with the Blitz FS9 (or another sim related) conversion, if I would share with you the gmax and texture source? In case of serious interest I would be unbelievably happy for that!