ok, lets put some project current stage info.
well, we think with Bravo/4 the Blitz project turned into a decent stuff, visually at least.
there is a few small 3d model/ texture related things I would fix yet, but basically I am 99% done.
oh yes, there is a lot of parts which miss in the cockpit or could/should be made different way, but this would be a matter of some later Blitz add-on releases.
btw, this is how it looked at the initial stage, see the large engine gondolas, wheels, the interior:
image sample
#1 and
as to the flight model, Dailliwetti offered a help. I cant say how much time it would take, however the airplane is supposed to be released as it is now, just flyable.
weapons is a chapter itself. needs to set more ammo for the night fighter gun gondola and tweak the bullet trace aiming offset for gun cross. a job for volunteer
the RATOs (rocket boosters) will be included as simple non-working pylon mountable items. Ive set them as dropable fuel tanks 250 kg. its a full weight of the real boosters, which causes 2x250 liters more for fuel capacity, when mounted

again, maybe it can be made better, a job for volunteer?
note: I did
a sample mount of the (faky) working RATOs, but the test users are always confused why the pods still are burning, yet why the airplane have the burning effect nodes sticky on the wings even when booster items dropped away (as fuel tanks)... so, to avoid of any repeating explanations and confusions over and over, this sample will be NOT included in the public release. it just cant be easy achieved natural CFS3 game config way.
the .mos files for each skin are made and some basic debris parts works. no damage model enhancement is planned.