thanks for the gauge related comments, guys
@gecko: I see... ok, I can change / reanimate the vario easy
@AnKor: yes, basically I am taking it as any .dds can use its own, thanks for that
my "issue" is the latest Arado 234 project build for the modding support team contents aprox 50 standalone VC gauge .dds files, most of them is 512x DXT1 alpha file. with the main 4096x VC texture and a few other cockpit related textures the virtual cockpit acts bit unoptimalised - when first ingame load at least. if all the VC .dds gauges would have its own files, it would act bit performance whorse yet, I suppose
btw, the main 4096x cpit texture with its same sized acts as 3d very well now, bit my plan is to optimalise this too - to make the painted instruments and its labeling same way as the flat gauge objects. then the main texture would be clean paint in base, therefore half or quarter size then woud be good enough, with similar visual overall result.
you can check the unoptimalised solution stage below, where the flap indicator gauge is assebmed from three flat sguare objects over the main panel surface, but the gear / flap indicator box and the starter button is a pure paint on the main panel texture. to see such paint parts sharp from a close view needs large resolution.