Areoplane Heaven's FS2004/CFS3 P-47D



A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category CFS 3 American Aircraft

Description: With permission by the owner of Aeroplane Heaven, Bazzar.

This is a reworking by MajorMagee of the AH original package to make it more compatible with AnKor's Shaders, increase the texture resolution, add panel line bump maps, create lights and special effects, and to clean up some of the mapping irregularities.

p.s. If you downloaded the Malcolm Hood version before 18 Feb 22 you'll want to get that one again as it (AH has now been updated with the same wing panel line improvements as this one.

To check it out, rate it or add comments, visit AH_P47D_bubblecanopy_tarheel
The comments you make there will appear in the posts below.
I just fixed a misalignment with the wing reflection maps for both the malcolm and bubble versions. It's a minor visual improvement, but it does make the wingtip lights look more like glass. If yours don't, and you're interested, you may want to get them again. Sorry about all the evolving changes...


A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category CFS 3 American Aircraft

Description: With permission by the owner of Aeroplane Heaven, Bazzar.

This is a reworking by MajorMagee of the AH original package to make it more compatible with AnKor's Shaders, increase the texture resolution, add panel line bump maps, create lights and special effects, and to clean up some of the mapping irregularities.

To check it out, rate it or add comments, visit AH_P47D_bubblecanopy_rabbit
The comments you make there will appear in the posts below.


A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category CFS 3 British Aircraft

Description: With permission by the owner of Aeroplane Heaven, Bazzar.

This is a reworking by MajorMagee of the AH original package to make it more compatible with AnKor's Shaders, increase the texture resolution, add panel line bump maps, create lights and special effects, and to clean up some of the mapping irregularities.

This package includes two variations, one with the original AH color scheme, and the other with more neutral colors (as seen in the attached image).
You should only install one, or the other, but not both at the same time.

To check it out, rate it or add comments, visit AH_P47D_bubblecanopy_burma
The comments you make there will appear in the posts below.
After all that blind tweaking of the AH textures, I decided to start the mapping over again from scratch.

Given enough time, hopefully I'll end up with a usable Paint Kit for them.


Gridded with 64 pixel squares over five 2048x2048 textures.
Yikes! Different parts of the texture rendered in different scales. Ran into that before and ain't looking forward to aligning all of the pieces together. Having said that, the AH P-47 is superior to the stock version and wouldn't mind taking a stab at painting the bubble top at some point.
I found a reference showing that the majority of the P-47 produced in 1944 switched from the earlier N3B reticle to the Mk8.

For the Malcolm Hood version that would be:

<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="US_Navy_Mk8_gunsight" PosX="0.045" PosZ="-1.20" PosY="1.060" Pitch="90.0" MinVel="-999999" MaxVel="999999"/>

Then, starting with P-47D-28-RE they switched to the K-14, as used in the Bubble Top version.
Developing a comprehensive paint kit for these models is a tedious voyage in discovery.

For example, I've wondered why the inside face of the main gear wheels looked so messed up, but the same texture on the tail wheel looked fine. Tonight I found out that the model has a 6 spoke hub while the original texture was drawn for an 8 spoke hub. Redrawing the texture to properly register it with the 6 spokes cleaned things up nicely.

I'm tracking down and correcting most of the mapping issues like this, but there will always be a few that we won't be able to do anything about because of how parts of the texture are being assigned/mirrored onto multiple locations (e.g. the inside lip of the engine cowl).
And these models were supposed to have been made by professional payware modelers?

If you want to tell Bazzar at Aeroplane Heaven their work sucks, go ahead ! Model was from 14 years ago, for cripe sakes ! Just Flight just sold them, didn't design them.
I can think of several non payware models made in 2008 which are not nearly as bad. Presumably Just Flight did not mind selling models with these issues. So it seems one can be attacked for making a reasonable criticism of their work?
And these models were supposed to have been made by professional payware modelers?

I can think of several non payware models made in 2008 which are not nearly as bad. Presumably Just Flight did not mind selling models with these issues. So it seems one can be attacked for making a reasonable criticism of their work?

Well, we all have to start somewhere and 14 years is enough time to learn a thing or two :biggrin-new:. I don't think anyone's first model is comparable to one's most recent work (unless your first model is also your most recent :playful:). If you look at what AH publishes nowadays (see MS2020)...

PS. Not to mention the fact that we happily did pay MS for the stock P-47 which is absolutely worse than this AV P-47!
I am sure that your model will be the best in CFS3 without a doubt.:applause: Seriously, I know how much effort you are putting into it.
My real point is that IMHO, payware was often sloppily modeled and more for what I would call 'arcade play'. Let's look at all the excellent work done by GC. MAW came out around 2006-7 IIRC. ETO not long after. Ted had stuff out 14 years ago which is still in use. All of these were free. I would like to include some Mossie PW models (assuming others have them) in missions, and in the past have included FP models. One reason that I am now now reluctant is that there have been criticisms in the past about there quality.
There has in fact been stacks of criticism on various P47 models, and others, before my comment, so I'm a bit at a loos as to why my comment was singled out.:dizzy:
I'm willing to put the work in to make these be all they can be. Beyond that, I simply appreciate the "as is" gift that has come our way without any strings attached.
I am sure that your model will be the best in CFS3 without a doubt.:applause: Seriously, I know how much effort you are putting into it.
My real point is that IMHO, payware was often sloppily modeled and more for what I would call 'arcade play'. Let's look at all the excellent work done by GC. MAW came out around 2006-7 IIRC. ETO not long after. Ted had stuff out 14 years ago which is still in use. All of these were free. I would like to include some Mossie PW models (assuming others have them) in missions, and in the past have included FP models. One reason that I am now now reluctant is that there have been criticisms in the past about there quality.
There has in fact been stacks of criticism on various P47 models, and others, before my comment, so I'm a bit at a loos as to why my comment was singled out.:dizzy:

It wasn't my intention to pick on you or singling your comment out - I merely reacted to the last posts in this thread. Your comment struck me as somewhat incredulous - that AH asked money for this P-47 model in the past. I was only trying to say that is has been a long time and that it is an old model. So, even though it was your comment, it wasn't meant as a personal attack. No harm done, I hope? :encouragement:
They are still nice models, even though they were made long ago. Wish i would have known more then, i would have bought them all. Still, very nice that Aeroplane Heaven gave us the permission to use these as we see fit now. Still the nicest models we have for now for the P-47,IMO. Regards, Scott PS can't wait for yours Joost ! Rene's are another fine example what can be done with a stock model if time is taken.