That's just stunning, to think that's on a sim model and in CFS3 is amazing! I like the before and after pics, really shows your hard work.
All this talk of P47's got me thinking about Lanny Lanowski and the 56th FG. I used to live in Colchester, Essex, which is where Boxted (Langham) airfield and the 56th FG were based. Back in 1992 with the 50th anniversary of the USAF coming over to the UK, there were a lot of celebrations throughout East Anglia (the general name for the counties in the East). Like most of us here at SOH I have always been a huge WWII aviation fanatic. I found out that the 56th FG were having a mjor get together in Colchester and managed to get an invite to their first gathering(!). I had always been interested in the 56th, so well read etc. Saw, but didn't meet, Gabby Gabreski, Fred Christiansen and Walker 'Bud' Mahurin. I met and made good friends with Dick Warboys, who was a pilot in the 63rd Sqn, and his wife Carol. We stayed good friends with them and met up whenever they came over for quite a few years after.
And Lanny Lanowski. I used to work from an old USAF airfield also in Essex, and through a colleagues contacts, I got in touch with Lanny, who also lived in Essex. I invited him and his son Krys to visit the airfield, this would have been sometime in 1990-93. Good to meet him, and have a copy of a painting that he had commisoned of his P47 M HV-Z. At the time I didn't know about the 'Silver Lady', and he didn't mention it, so this CFS3 project is very interesting.
He had talked then about a book, but I only bought his book 'Out in Front' recently, and have just finished reading it (he talks about 'Silver Lady' in it). A good insight into his history, but as with talking to him in the 90's, he was still quite bitter both towards the Polish Airforce, for not supporting him; and the USAF who owed him a lot of pay. Having read it I see why he felt like that. The other thing from the book was that I discovered he was born in Lviv, which at that time was Polish, but has been thrust into the headlines recently as it's now part of the western Ukraine.