Bummer, guys....
Eugene works with FSDS... that means no Otter revisions for me because i work with GMax.
I would've loved a go at Eugene's Otter model but that's not going to happen now... :wave:
That'll mean a new Otter starting in the mating season... Incubation time may take a few years...
Hopefully another dev might be obliged. Maybe Eugene himself ( he's waiting for FSX compatible FSDS 3 )
Btw, if you like concept planes have a look at Eugene's site here :
Stratojet series doesn't look half bad !
Eugene works with FSDS... that means no Otter revisions for me because i work with GMax.
I would've loved a go at Eugene's Otter model but that's not going to happen now... :wave:
That'll mean a new Otter starting in the mating season... Incubation time may take a few years...
Hopefully another dev might be obliged. Maybe Eugene himself ( he's waiting for FSX compatible FSDS 3 )
Btw, if you like concept planes have a look at Eugene's site here :
Stratojet series doesn't look half bad !