okay.. waiting for the paint to dry on the underside of the wingtip..
shut up... LOL
Let's see.. got up to 16 knots, 90* (so dead on the side) perpendicular to runway heading, RIGHT to the deck, and six out of seven ACTUAL landings were seuccessful. There were four "nope.. go around" aborted landings, and the one drag a wing..
All done with slats locked.. not sure if having them deployed would help, make no difference in her performance, or make things worse...
Nice smooth pavement and good technique resulted in a 'not so bad.. I'll take it' touchdown and rollout (still working on knowing EXACTLY when those wheels are going to meet the ground from the VC view.. ), but on grass.. hole cow did she bounce a lot...
And AFTER you are down.. ground handling takes patience.. and diligence... and good aileron technique or she WILL pick up a wing and roll.... BUT there is sufficient rudder authority (and aileron) to be able to hold her and taxi in this amount of wind.
I'll try grass some more.. but remember Nigel commenting about a contact point fix earlier hen asked about bouncing on grass, and wondering if mine has the fix and it's just me.. (VERY possible LOL).. or if she will be more forgiving with the next 'update'...
I hate crosswind landings.. and my RW technique sure as hell ain't anywhere NEAR a 'gold medal' performance... but the fact this airplane can handle sixteen knots and land successfully with ME at the controls... says a lot!!!
Screen print taken a moment before I made the rudder correction to straighten her out to show the angle.. yeah.. give me the wind dead on the nose ANY day!!!
This is NOT a big DHC Dash 7 you can just fly on skewed like this and shrug off..