As the nature of things progress...

Hi Nigel , getting back to testing ; been looking at Bigglessonn from Denmark , and Biggleski from Poland, erm, while the flying from both is much improved, the green one does bounce around an awful lot more on grass strips ; might be something in the contact points not quite right?




Hi Nigel , getting back to testing ; been looking at Bigglessonn from Denmark , and Biggleski from Poland, erm, while the flying from both is much improved, the green one does bounce around an awful lot more on grass strips ; might be something in the contact points not quite right?





Yes, you're quite correct Pete - it was the contact points, but we've taken care of that nicely for both sims.

Major upgrade coming soon with many improvements and extra goodies. :)
As moot as this is with the NEW model coming...

I just HAD to muck about with the textures to give me a blank sheet of paper.. So, here is my factory fresh as yet unmarked 621 trainer being put through her 'test flight' paces.

EVEN though I'm aware that the finished product will most likely have different texture mapping!

LOVING this airplane..

one thing I discovered last night Nigel...

While REALLY wringing out the airplane, I noticed I can bury the wings deep into the ground (as in whilst 'groundlooping' oopsie..) and wonder if adding contact points at the tips would provide a more realistic 'hit' before rolling over and registering a crash.

AND.. as I mentioned in my there a way to have the tyre sidewalls for left and right respectively draw on a unique texture bmp map for the 621 trainer (uncowled Mongoose engine)? In fiddling around, I added "DUNLOP" to the sidewall but due to current mapping that makes it appear reversed on the right hand side. (just me.. mucking about with adding stuff.. lol...

cheers.. and CAN'T wait for the finished gem!!!!!



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Thank you downwind - I'm aiming at Easter for the release providing everything goes to plan. :encouragement:

Meanwhile, now that we have a pretty awesome set of flight models, we're gradually working down that list of items/details which need the final touch.

I'LL SAY it's a pretty awesome set of flight models!!

As you mentioned.. that side slip... wow... Having flown RW Tiger Moths, a Starduster 2, and well.. embarrassing myself in a Stearman long ago... I love flying this airplane!

The loss of power inverted.. the bouncing if you don't stick the landing 'just right', the wind noise..
your FDE is amazing Nigel.. this is SOOOO much fun... makes me want to put on my goggles and helmet when I fly her! but then.. the wife would KNOW I had finally lost it... lol...

Cheers.. and a big thumbs up...
I just spotted this little phenomenon

When viewed through the windscreen in the VC, the instrument panel in the front cockpit of the 621 trainer is gone.. just gray with only the switch clusters visible. but viewed over the TOP of the screen, the plywood textures and instruments are visible. Anyone else seeing this?

EDIT... removing < glass_t.bmp > from the texture folder eliminated the issue.

so.. will see if I can sort out the transparency issue in PS.. otherwise..

see image.



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When viewed through the windscreen in the VC, the instrument panel in the front cockpit of the 621 trainer is gone.. just gray with only the switch clusters visible. but viewed over the TOP of the screen, the plywood textures and instruments are visible. Anyone else seeing this?

EDIT... removing < glass_t.bmp > from the texture folder eliminated the issue.

so.. will see if I can sort out the transparency issue in PS.. otherwise..

see image.


OKAY... fixed.. I deleted the bmp < glass_t > from the folder, BUT copied the layer from it (showing the shadowy outline of the windscreen frame) over to the < glass2_t > bmp. and saved. Not sure if this copying of the layer was necessary, but now, I have a clear view of the front panel through the windscreen glass in VC view, and STILL have a darker shade showing when the airplane is viewed from outside, in the 'spot' views.

I did it this way to preserve the alpha channel value of the used bmp.



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OKAY... fixed.. I deleted the bmp < glass_t > from the folder, BUT copied the layer from it (showing the shadowy outline of the windscreen frame) over to the < glass2_t > bmp. and saved. Not sure if this copying of the layer was necessary, but now, I have a clear view of the front panel through the windscreen glass in VC view, and STILL have a darker shade showing when the airplane is viewed from outside, in the 'spot' views.

I did it this way to preserve the alpha channel value of the used bmp.


Good to see you on the ball there and having fun, Dave.

Remember; you are on the early initial test pack - the contact point issues have been dealt with, as has the 'gauges through glass' issue view experienced in VC mode.

The updated test version will be ready in a few days, so I won't bog you down with what are now dated updates. :)
Good to see you on the ball there and having fun, Dave.

Remember; you are on the early initial test pack - the contact point issues have been dealt with, as has the 'gauges through glass' issue view experienced in VC mode.

The updated test version will be ready in a few days, so I won't bog you down with what are now dated updates. :)

Thanks Nigel... THIS is what I get for having technical PC issues and being late to the party!! Finding things that you are well aware of.. and have dealt with.. :applause:

This variant is my favorite.. geez.. can you tell?????? LOL.. and doing quite a bit of flying in her.. to the exclusion of all other aircraft at the moment.

I slid myself forward into the front 'pit tonight for a look around.. um... no stick... LOL... good thinking!! in the Tiger Moth, and the Starduster, the stick would come out.. or stay in.. depending on who was going up in the front seat! safety and all.. :encouragement:

What a gorgeous little airplane you have created!!!

much appreciated..
Thus far I can get this collection of gems to fly and look superb in FS9, FSX SE, P3D3 and P3D4.1 with only one problem child, the PWS-18 Trainer has a minor cosmetic aberration and only in P3D.
I look forward to that Metaxa Nigel.
You have worked miracles getting this aeroplane to such a high standard.
Thus far I can get this collection of gems to fly and look superb in FS9, FSX SE, P3D3 and P3D4.1 with only one problem child, the PWS-18 Trainer has a minor cosmetic aberration and only in P3D.
I look forward to that Metaxa Nigel.
You have worked miracles getting this aeroplane to such a high standard.

And you fine Sir have gone a good few Extra miles in providing me with some highly useful feedback - not least regarding the fact that one of my major goals was to create a Project that would ship quality throughout the sims.

Thank YOU Sir - that Metaxa would be joyfully shared! :jump:
That looks as if you created a different view for the VC, and your gauges show up nicely there... Well done, sir!


I just pushed myself up very high in the seat to show the issue Tom... LOL.. BUT, I have adjusted the viewpoint in the aircraft cfg. file to suit my laptops widescreen display (1366X768)

New line : eyepoint= -3.44, 0.0, 2.38

good over the snout visibility, and can see all I need on the panel.. nice and crisp.

wishing there was a quick keystroke that could 'cant' the pilots head out over the side.. as I do ALL the time taxiing RW taildraggers with long noses... hell.. I do it on landing to see the freakin runway!! LOL but for now.. I just slew myself over in the 'pit a bit.. then hit the spacebar to get back where I belong once down... :wiggle:




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Thanks Nigel... THIS is what I get for having technical PC issues and being late to the party!! Finding things that you are well aware of.. and have dealt with.. :applause:

This variant is my favorite.. geez.. can you tell?????? LOL.. and doing quite a bit of flying in her.. to the exclusion of all other aircraft at the moment.

I slid myself forward into the front 'pit tonight for a look around.. um... no stick... LOL... good thinking!! in the Tiger Moth, and the Starduster, the stick would come out.. or stay in.. depending on who was going up in the front seat! safety and all.. :encouragement:

What a gorgeous little airplane you have created!!!

much appreciated..

Ahhhh! Much appreciated from here too, Dave! :)

Yes, the stick is now in both cockpits - was a poly count saver that I've worked around. I agree the AVRO stick sits conveniently low in the 'pit' - AVRO were one of the first aircraft manufacturers to seriously delve into ergonomics and pilot-friendly cockpit layout.

I'll get those tyres set according to your helpful comment - great observation.

Thanks Dave! :encouragement:
Just can't seem to get out of this airplane!!!

As much as I appreciate the work that went into the "Tutor" ,"Prefect" and "PWS-18" variants of the "AVRO PROJECT"... I can't get enough of the 621 "Trainer" !!!

That sleek nose.. tall wheels.. tailskid... exposed cylinders.. sorry.. but for me.. this is the cats pyjamas as the say.... I have SUCH a soft spot in my heart for this particular design.. and it looks SPECTACULAR in silver dope and polished aluminium.

Fell in love the first time I laid eyes on it.. LOL....

And as they say in aviation circles.. "if it looks right.. it flies right"... and boy oh boy.. no exceptions here.

Threw in some gusty winds on approach and landing tonight.. no issues.. and less than perfect straight in's with too much altitude on final.. sideslipped like a dream....

Tomorrow I muster up some courage.. and see how much crosswind component I can throw at her without scuffing the wingtip paint.. or worse..

Thanks to Nigel.. and the group doing the testing here.. THS is REALLY going to be an airplane worth having!

Cheers.. time to rig the tie-downs, chock the wheels.. cover the cockpit, and put her to bed...



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Bushi, If you want to change your eye point for landing to look out on the right side of the cockpit add the following to your panel.cfg under the [VIEWS] section:

VIEW_DOWN_DIR=6.0, 0.50, 0.50
VIEW_DOWN_EYE=.20, -0.05, -0.0

Then press & hold down Num Pad 5 to activate, not sure how to activate it as a toggle though, so it fixes ones finger for a bit........

If you want to view out t'otherside change the eye .2 to negative.
Happy landings

P.S. only works in FS9 - camera views needed for FSX.
Bushi, If you want to change your eye point for landing to look out on the right side of the cockpit add the following to your panel.cfg under the [VIEWS] section:

VIEW_DOWN_DIR=6.0, 0.50, 0.50
VIEW_DOWN_EYE=.20, -0.05, -0.0

Then press & hold down Num Pad 5 to activate, not sure how to activate it as a toggle though, so it fixes ones finger for a bit........

If you want to view out t'otherside change the eye .2 to negative.
Happy landings

P.S. only works in FS9 - camera views needed for FSX.

Wow.. ASK and you shall receive!!

Thank you... god I love this site!!!!! so many knowledgeable people....

the CTRL-SHIFT-ENTER then wait that second or two as you slide over.. and repeat if you went back 'inside' took BOTH hands to accomplish.. NOT something you need on short final!! LOL.. one finger is an improvement!

cheers, and will now give this a try.


okay.. waiting for the paint to dry on the underside of the wingtip.. shut up... LOL:banghead:

Let's see.. got up to 16 knots, 90* (so dead on the side) perpendicular to runway heading, RIGHT to the deck, and six out of seven ACTUAL landings were seuccessful. There were four "nope.. go around" aborted landings, and the one drag a wing..

All done with slats locked.. not sure if having them deployed would help, make no difference in her performance, or make things worse...

Nice smooth pavement and good technique resulted in a 'not so bad.. I'll take it' touchdown and rollout (still working on knowing EXACTLY when those wheels are going to meet the ground from the VC view.. ), but on grass.. hole cow did she bounce a lot...

And AFTER you are down.. ground handling takes patience.. and diligence... and good aileron technique or she WILL pick up a wing and roll.... BUT there is sufficient rudder authority (and aileron) to be able to hold her and taxi in this amount of wind.

I'll try grass some more.. but remember Nigel commenting about a contact point fix earlier hen asked about bouncing on grass, and wondering if mine has the fix and it's just me.. (VERY possible LOL).. or if she will be more forgiving with the next 'update'...

I hate crosswind landings.. and my RW technique sure as hell ain't anywhere NEAR a 'gold medal' performance... but the fact this airplane can handle sixteen knots and land successfully with ME at the controls... says a lot!!!:applause:

Screen print taken a moment before I made the rudder correction to straighten her out to show the angle.. yeah.. give me the wind dead on the nose ANY day!!!

This is NOT a big DHC Dash 7 you can just fly on skewed like this and shrug off..



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okay.. waiting for the paint to dry on the underside of the wingtip.. shut up... LOL:banghead:

Let's see.. got up to 16 knots, 90* (so dead on the side) perpendicular to runway heading, RIGHT to the deck, and six out of seven ACTUAL landings were seuccessful. There were four "nope.. go around" aborted landings, and the one drag a wing..

All done with slats locked.. not sure if having them deployed would help, make no difference in her performance, or make things worse...

Nice smooth pavement and good technique resulted in a 'not so bad.. I'll take it' touchdown and rollout (still working on knowing EXACTLY when those wheels are going to meet the ground from the VC view.. ), but on grass.. hole cow did she bounce a lot...

And AFTER you are down.. ground handling takes patience.. and diligence... and good aileron technique or she WILL pick up a wing and roll.... BUT there is sufficient rudder authority (and aileron) to be able to hold her and taxi in this amount of wind.

I'll try grass some more.. but remember Nigel commenting about a contact point fix earlier hen asked about bouncing on grass, and wondering if mine has the fix and it's just me.. (VERY possible LOL).. or if she will be more forgiving with the next 'update'...

I hate crosswind landings.. and my RW technique sure as hell ain't anywhere NEAR a 'gold medal' performance... but the fact this airplane can handle sixteen knots and land successfully with ME at the controls... says a lot!!!:applause:

Screen print taken a moment before I made the rudder correction to straighten her out to show the angle.. yeah.. give me the wind dead on the nose ANY day!!!

This is NOT a big DHC Dash 7 you can just fly on skewed like this and shrug off..


LOL. You're having fun, Sir! :encouragement:

Just wait until you get the NEW flight models - better sideslip handling, less inherent lateral stability and more positive rudder Authority...

But be warned - that little 5 cyl Mongoose will be putting out less horses - just like the real thing!
I know you like the streamlined cowl so big sister with the same cowl and a dandy 7 cyl lynx under her nose will give you the oooomph! :)