As the nature of things progress...

Avro Tutor

Good morning Nigel,

back frome my hollyydays at my home in brittany,
I made this morning just a little flight with the Avro 621.
B e a u t y f u l l
Thank you a lot for this fine bird.
Now I have some questions to you:
1 can you give me please some indications about the correct power and trim settings for take off, climb, cruise, descent and landing
2 I tried both lever positions for the leading edge flaps but did not see from the cockpit any action, perhaps did I some thing wrong or
misst understood how it operates
3 the VC is really a master piece. I wonder now if it would be interesting to make a 2D panel for better frame rates.
on my old pc I featured a lot of stuttering, so perhaps with a 2D panel there will be no more this stuttering
Good morning Nigel,

back frome my hollyydays at my home in brittany,
I made this morning just a little flight with the Avro 621.
B e a u t y f u l l
Thank you a lot for this fine bird.
Now I have some questions to you:
1 can you give me please some indications about the correct power and trim settings for take off, climb, cruise, descent and landing
2 I tried both lever positions for the leading edge flaps but did not see from the cockpit any action, perhaps did I some thing wrong or
misst understood how it operates
3 the VC is really a master piece. I wonder now if it would be interesting to make a 2D panel for better frame rates.
on my old pc I featured a lot of stuttering, so perhaps with a 2D panel there will be no more this stuttering

Oh welcome back, Papi! :)

Pleased you are enjoying the initial test models. We are now in the process of building NEW Air. files and building the cfg. file from the bottom up. The speeds of all test models is faster than should be. We have had much useful feedback, and are now incorporating much of this into the NEW flight models.

Having four engine type variations will also be more realistically authentic in the performance.

James Banks is doing some awesome work in making these Gals come to life.

So just enjoy initial flying for now, but please don't hesitate to contact me with your findings - your involvement, as with the other team members is very welcome indeed, Sir.

Automatic slots/slats
When the lever is in the forward position, the slats will automatically deploy when the aircraft reaches approximately +8 degrees positive incidence. They will automatically retract at a lesser angle.
In the rear position, the slats are locked/retracted.

The AIR FORCE MUSEUM OF NEW ZEALAND have extremely generously sent us much useful information and photos from their AVRO Prefect. Included, are much better details of the Slat Lever, so we will be making model improvements accordingly.

Yes, there will be a 2D panel for all variants when the VC's are finalised for all versions. That will ensure the 2D panels come as close to the VC's as is practicable.

Great to see you back, Papi,

Thank YOU - ENJOY! :)
Avro Tutor 2D panel

Good evening Nigel and friends,

I just made a 2d panel out from a screeny of the VC.
On my old pc frame rates are really better now.
The original VC is so fine, I could not resist to use it for the 2d panel.
I just did it for me as if I understood well Nigel will do one for th final release.
Good evening Nigel and friends,

I just made a 2d panel out from a screeny of the VC.
On my old pc frame rates are really better now.
The original VC is so fine, I could not resist to use it for the 2d panel.
I just did it for me as if I understood well Nigel will do one for th final release.

Aye, that's our Papi! :)

Looking great there, Sir - E N J O Y ! :encouragement:
hey Nigel ... i'm testing this one now..






You're looking AWESOME there Pete - really appreciate your invaluable and professional expertise, Sir. :encouragement:

This is the First bird with an all NEW cfg./Air. file for FSX - I'll get the FS2004 re-writes to you as soon as we have similar updates.

Thanks for the beautiful screens, Matey!
At this point in time the AVRO collection is flying very nicely in FS9, FSX, FSX-SE, P3D3 and P3D4.
Well done indeed Nigel!
"At this point in time the AVRO collection is flying very nicely in FS9, FSX, FSX-SE, P3D3 and P3D4.
Well done indeed Nigel!"

That's music to my ears, wombat666 - particularly about P3D4! :jump:

As soon as the updates are completed, I'll send you the NEW files ASAP.
So far you've been using FS9 textures - but I think you'll find the FSX textures a pleasant surprise.

Thank YOU for so generously testing in all 4 sim versions, Sir!
! :ernaehrung004:
You're looking AWESOME there Pete - really appreciate your invaluable and professional expertise, Sir. :encouragement:

This is the First bird with an all NEW cfg./Air. file for FSX - I'll get the FS2004 re-writes to you as soon as we have similar updates.

Thanks for the beautiful screens, Matey!

No prob Nigel, I've found weights for the Lewis gun, Scarff ring and loaded magazines, so looking at adding them as a station weight


Avro's fuel gauges

Good Morning Nigel,

the 2d panels are very close to be finished.
Now there are two questions:
1) in the panel.cfg are mentioned two fuel gauges,
but when flying the plane I do not find them - mystery for me
2) for using the sluts I must use the VC to liberate or bloc them,
is there a possible key assignation so I could try to make a gauge
for the 2D panel?
She is realy a very fine bird to fly.
Good Morning Nigel,

the 2d panels are very close to be finished.
Now there are two questions:
1) in the panel.cfg are mentioned two fuel gauges,
but when flying the plane I do not find them - mystery for me
2) for using the sluts I must use the VC to liberate or bloc them,
is there a possible key assignation so I could try to make a gauge
for the 2D panel?
She is realy a very fine bird to fly.

Papi, that would be the 'slats' mate.:biggrin-new:
I've known quite a number of the others.
No offence.
Good Morning Nigel,

the 2d panels are very close to be finished.
Now there are two questions:
1) in the panel.cfg are mentioned two fuel gauges,
but when flying the plane I do not find them - mystery for me
2) for using the sluts I must use the VC to liberate or bloc them,
is there a possible key assignation so I could try to make a gauge
for the 2D panel?
She is realy a very fine bird to fly.

Sorry Nigel,
my english seems not to be good enough to understand what you mean
Good Morning Nigel,

the 2d panels are very close to be finished.
Now there are two questions:
1) in the panel.cfg are mentioned two fuel gauges,
but when flying the plane I do not find them - mystery for me
2) for using the sluts I must use the VC to liberate or bloc them,
is there a possible key assignation so I could try to make a gauge
for the 2D panel?
She is realy a very fine bird to fly.


This is the custom xml for slats control. You may be able to use the L:var to access it, or to set the flap handle index to unlock/lock, but that may confuse synchronization with the vc.

<!-- Auto-Deploy Slats with Lockout -->

(L:LE_SLATS_LOCKOUT, bool) ! (A:FLAPS HANDLE INDEX, number) 0 != and if{ (>K:FLAPS_UP) }
(L:LE_SLATS_LOCKOUT, bool) (A:pLANE PITCH DEGREES, degrees) -14 < (A:FLAPS HANDLE INDEX, number) 1 != and and if{ (>K:FLAPS_DOWN) }
(L:LE_SLATS_LOCKOUT, bool) (A:pLANE PITCH DEGREES, degrees) -14 < ! (A:FLAPS HANDLE INDEX, number) 0 != and and if{ (>K:FLAPS_UP) }
(L:LE_SLATS_LOCKOUT, bool) if{ 100 } els{ 0 }
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Tudor 2d panels

Thank you Milton
euh oups I do not have enough knowledge to make a gauge of it at a first look.
But I will try.
I have done 2d panels at first as an experiment to save fluidity of my sim - it is better now
Avro Tudor 2D panels

Hallo Friends,
in the previous post I attached my 2D panels for the AVRO 621, the Tutor, the Prefect and the PWS 18.
I used screenshots from the realy fine VC.
Why did I do those 2d panels?
Certainly not to make the fifth wheel of a car or just to make panels.
When I first tested the original Tutor my flightsim had "stuttering" and it was not flying but a very hardly controllable diashow.
I made at first a fast primitive 2d panel and things got fluid. That persuated me that the problem came frome the VC modus.
As the original VC is so perfect I did screenshots from every models VC and did the 2D panels out of them.
So the 2D panels are as close as possible to the original VC. I just made two modifications: 1) I replaced the battery switch by a starter button. 2) As id id not find a primer pump gauge and I do not use it I obmitted it.
I wanted to add a gauge for the slats. Milton sended me the code but to do a gauge out of it - for the moment I do not see how to make it.
Enough about it
Service ceiling 16,000 ft ...

So I did cheat a bit to get all the way up to Mt Everest.... our intrepid 'Biggles' is glad of his electrically heated 'Sidcot' suit and gloves....


found it ran out of puff at 12,000ft; probably due to density effect...


Good Morning Nigel,

the 2d panels are very close to be finished.
Now there are two questions:
1) in the panel.cfg are mentioned two fuel gauges,
but when flying the plane I do not find them - mystery for me
2) for using the sluts I must use the VC to liberate or bloc them,
is there a possible key assignation so I could try to make a gauge
for the 2D panel?
She is realy a very fine bird to fly.

Sincere apologies, Papi - I haven't been up here for a couple of days and only now seen your post, Sir. :)

Busy getting models updated, and getting Air.files cfg. files sorted out. James banks has been making some awesomely realistic handling for these birds.

To answer your questions my friend:

1). The only valid panel entries so far, are those for the VC.
The Real fuel gauge was in front of the forward cockpit - we're still hoping to make this functional. So we'd also feature this in the 2D panel.

2). Good thinking on slat operation from 2D panels.
We really must see if Roman Stoviak could help us out here - the VC slats operation are his very generous masterpiece.

Tomorrow I will be sending NEW Air.files and cfg. files to all of our testers, including youself, Papi. :)

Many thanks for your enthusiasm, and thoughtful questions, Sir.

Warm Regards,
