BearStudios: MiG-15Bis for MSFS Released 3/1

I suspect that v1.3.2 is actually functionally v1.3.1SP1 but for the marketplace, and the post on FSDeveloper slightly incorrect.

Meanwhile my english cockpit stopped working again, but was resurrected just by regeneration the layout.json - maybe the folder precedence rules when loading simobjects also take account of file age?
Some views of the latest tests for this repaint.



I got nine from Just Flight and they do not have either updates, 1.3.2 or 1.3.3 with the new pilot. I downloaded the fuel fix YoYo linked and he says that gives one the new pilot. I'll see.

From the developer:

[FONT=&quot]MSFS V1.3.3 on just flight, simmarket and inibuild store will online on the second weekend[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]I am working on remix and improve sound effects package for all of versions.[/FONT]
I finished this repaint. It will be available here soon.
(I also did a new version of my previous repaint USAF TC-616. It is now compatible with SP1. Will also available soon)

SimMarket showing Version 1.3.2 but Just Flight still has only Version 1,3,1 SP FS. Getting a little miffed!( want to see 1.3.3 AT Just Flight.

from the Developer (at the thread linked above)
"[FONT=&quot]current Ver1.3.2 on JF == Ver1.3.1-SP1 on simmarket "... (except he typed it back to front)
1.3.2 and 1.3.1sp1 are the same thing - the update will be 1.3.3[/FONT]